Man pages for mvc
Multi-View Clustering

agreementRateBinMAgreement rate by maximum posterior values.
assignFinIdxPerClSkmAssign final indices to means that have the smallest angle.
assignIdxPerClMBinEMAssign final indices to data by maximum posterior value.
checkViewsCheck views for consistency...
conceptIndicesSkmCalculate partitions (concept indices) by assigning each...
conceptVectorsSkmCalculate concept vectors for Spherical k-Means as unit...
consensusMeansPerClVSkmCalculate means per Cluster and view for Spherical k-Means by...
dbernCalculate Bernoulli likelihood...
dcatCalculate categorical likelihood...
estLogPxBernGthetaJEstimate log document probabilites given specific Bernoulli...
estLogPxCatGthetaJEstimate log document probabilites given specific Categorical...
logsumComputes the cumulative sum in terms of logarithmic in- and...
mApplyBernCalculate Bernoulli likelihood row-wise for binary events...
mApplyCatCalculate categorical likelihood row-wise for categorical...
mvcmbMulti-View Clustering using mixture of categoricals EM.
mvcsphMulti-View Clustering using Spherical k-Means for categorical...
oFMixBinEMobjective function for mixture of binomials EM:...
oFSkmObjective Function (sum of cosines)...
rowWULUnit length of all vectors row-wise...
toyView1Toy View 1...
toyView2Toy View 2...
toyViewsToy Views...
ULUnit length for vector...
vectorLengthEuclidean length of vector...
viewsClassesCounts unique values in both views...
mvc documentation built on May 2, 2019, 11:27 a.m.