
Defines functions logPriorDensN

logPriorDensN = function(N, p, particles, priorList){
# xi = particles$xi
# p = ncol(xi)
 G = particles$G
 log.detSigma = numeric(N)
 for(iN in 1:N){
  G.iN = matrix(G[iN,], p, p)
  log.detSigma[iN] = as.numeric(determinant(G.iN, logarithm=T)$modulus)  # log(det(G.iN))
 logPriorDens = # 0 +   			# xi or B
  (-(p+1)/2) * log.detSigma	# Sigma

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mvst documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:30 a.m.