Man pages for mvtboost
Tree Boosting for Multivariate Outcomes

addalphaAdd alpha
colorRampPaletteAlphaAdd alpha and ramps between colors
mvtbFitting a Multivariate Tree Boosting Model
mvtb.clusterClustering the covariance explained or relative influence...
mvtb.covexEstimate the covariance explained matrix
mvtb.heatClustered heatmap of tables from 'mvtb'
mvtb.nonlinDetect departures from linearity from a multivariate tree...
mvtboost-packageTree Boosting for Multivariate Outcomes
mvtb.perspecPerspective plot for 2 predictors and 1 response.
mvtb.riComputes the relative influence of each predictor for each...
mvtb.uncompUncompress a compressed mvtb output object
plot.mvtbPlots the model implied effect of 1 predictor for one outcome
predict.mvtbPredicted values
print.mvtbSimple default printing of the mvtb output object
summary.mvtbComputes a summary of the multivariate tree boosting model
wellbeingPsychological well-being
mvtboost documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:14 p.m.