Man pages for mwaved
Multichannel Wavelet Deconvolution with Additive Long Memory Noise

blurSignalBlur an input signal
boxcarBlurMultichannel box car blur
detectBlurDetect type of blur
directBlurDirect kernel matrix
gammaBlurMultichannel Gamma density blur
makeSignalsGenerate test signals for simulation
multiCoefWavelet coefficient estimation from a multichannel signal
multiEstimateWavelet deconvolution signal estimate from the noisy...
multiNoiseGenerate multichannel noise
multiProjMeyer wavelet projection given a set of wavelet coefficients
multiSigmaNoise level estimation among multichannel signal
multiThreshResolution level thresholds for hard thresholded wavelet...
multiWaveDFull mWaveD analysis
mwavedMultichannel wavelet deconvolution with long memory using...
mWaveDDemoInteractive Demonstration
plot.mWaveDPlot Output for the mWaveD object
plot.waveletCoefMulti-Resolution Analysis plot of wavelet coefficients
resolutionMethodSelect appropriate resolution method for blur type
sigmaSNRDetermine noise scale levels from specified *S*ignal to...
summary.mWaveDSummary Output for the mWaveD object
theoreticalEtaFind optimal theoretical Eta
waveletThreshApply thresholding regime to a set of wavelet coefficients
mwaved documentation built on Oct. 28, 2021, 5:06 p.m.