annealing_solver: Construct an annealing solver

View source: R/annealing.R

annealing_solverR Documentation

Construct an annealing solver


Simulated annealing is a heuristic method of solving optimization problems. Typically, it allows to find some good solution in a short time. This implementation doesn't compute any upper bound on solution, so there is no guarantee of optimality of solution provided.


  schedule = c("fast", "boltzmann"),
  initial_temperature = 1,
  final_temperature = 1e-06,
  verbose = FALSE



boltzmann annealing or fast annealing


initial value for the temperature


final value for the temperature


whether be verbose or not


Algorithm maintains connected subgraph staring with empty subgraph. Each iteration one random action is considered. It may be a removal of a vertex or an edge which does not separate graph or addition of an extra vertex or an edge neighboring existing graph. If the subgraph is empty all vertices are considered as candidates to form a subgaph. After candidate is chosen two subgraph scores are considered: for a new subgraph and for an old one. Simulated annealing operates with a notion of temperature. The candidate action is accepted with probability: p(S'|S) = exp(-E / T), where E is weight difference between subgraphs and T is current temperature.

Temperature is calculated in each iteration. in mwcsr there are two temperature schedules supported. So called Boltmann annealing uses the formula: T(k) = T0 / (ln(1 + k)), while in case of fast annealing this one is used: T(k) = T0 / k, where k is iteration number.

To tune the algorithm it is useful to realize how typical changes in the goal function for single actions are distributed. Calculating the acceptance probabilities at initial temperature and final temperatures may help to choose schedule and temperatures.


An object of class mwcs_solver

See Also

rnc_solver will probably be a better choice with minimal tuning necessary

mwcsr documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:49 p.m.