
#' Safe sleep function
#' Acceptable inputs:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item numeric: time in seconds to nap
#'  \item POSIXct: time at which the nap should stop  (timezone is respected)
#'  \item character: Date or date time at which nap should stop formatted as yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss, time zone is assumed to be Sys.timezone() and hh:mm:ss is optional as three formats may be missing, cf. lubridate::ymd_hms().
#'  \item Period: time from now at which the nap should stop
#'  \item difftime: difference in time to nap
#'  \item logical: If TRUE, nap for default duration, otherwise don't nap.
#'  \item NULL: don't nap
#'  \item generic: error or nap for default duration depending on the option naptime.permissive
#' }
#' The default duration is set with a numeric for the option \code{naptime.default_delay} in seconds (default: 0.1)
#' Whether a generic input is accepted is determined by the option \code{naptime.permissive} (default: FALSE)
#' @param time Time to sleep, polymorphic type inputs, leaning towards units as 'seconds'
#' @param permissive An optional argument to override the \code{naptime.permissive option} for this call of the naptime function
#' @rdname naptime
#' @return NULL; A side effect of a pause in program execution
#' @importFrom lubridate period_to_seconds ymd_hms ymd seconds now
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' naptime(1)
#' naptime(difftime("2016-01-01 00:00:01", "2016-01-01 00:00:00"))
#' }

           function(time, permissive = getOption("naptime.permissive", permissive_default))
             if (missing(time)) {
             } else if (!is.null(time) && length(time) != 1L) {
               nap_error("The time paramater was not scalar (length equal to 1)", permissive = permissive)
               if (length(time) > 0) {
                 naptime(time[1], permissive = permissive)
               } else {
                 naptime(permissive = permissive)
             } else {
                 , error = function(e) {
                   nap_error("unhandled input for naptime(): ", as.character(e), permissive = permissive)

#' @rdname naptime
setMethod("naptime", signature("numeric"),
          function(time, permissive = getOption("naptime.permissive", permissive_default))
            if (is.finite(time) && time >= 0) {
            } else if (!is.finite(time) && time > 0) {
              nap_error("naptime() provided with a time that was positive and non-finite", permissive = permissive)
            } else {
              nap_warn("naptime() provided with a time that was negative or in the past, skipping delay")

#' @rdname naptime
#' @importFrom lubridate period_to_seconds
setMethod("naptime", signature("Period"),
          function(time, permissive = getOption("naptime.permissive", permissive_default))
            naptime(period_to_seconds(time), permissive = permissive)

#' @rdname naptime
setMethod("naptime", signature("POSIXct"),
          function(time, permissive = getOption("naptime.permissive", permissive_default))
            t <- as.numeric(time) - as.numeric(lubridate::now())
            naptime(t, permissive = permissive)

#' @rdname naptime
#' @importFrom lubridate seconds
setMethod("naptime", signature("difftime"),
          function(time, permissive = getOption("naptime.permissive", permissive_default))
            magnitude <- as.numeric(time)
            units <- attr(time, "units")
            #identify seconds per unit
            unit_scale <- switch(EXPR = units,
                                 "secs" = 1,
                                 "mins" = 60,
                                 "hours" = 3600,
                                 "days" = 86400,
                                 "weeks" = 604800,
            if (unit_scale == 0) {
              stop("Unidentified unit ", units, " in difftime Period")
            # Numeric results default to naptime in seconds
            naptime(unit_scale * magnitude, permissive = permissive)

#' @rdname naptime
setMethod("naptime", signature("logical"),
          function(time, permissive = getOption("naptime.permissive", permissive_default))
            if (isTRUE(time)) {
            } else {
              if (isTRUE(!time)) {
              } else {
                nap_error("Logical provided to naptime() is not TRUE or FALSE.", permissive = permissive)

#' @rdname naptime
setMethod("naptime", signature("NULL"),
          function(time, permissive = getOption("naptime.permissive", permissive_default))

#' @rdname naptime
setMethod("naptime", signature("character"),
          function(time, permissive = getOption("naptime.permissive", permissive_default))
            time_zone <- ifelse(is.na(Sys.timezone()), "UTC", Sys.timezone())
            num_char <- nchar(time)
            if (is.na(num_char) || num_char < 8) {
              # Times that aren't at least 8 characters long do not have a reasonable chance of being parsable
              time_parsed <- NA
            } else if (num_char >= 8) {
              time_parsed <- try(lubridate::ymd_hms(time, tz = time_zone, truncated = 3, quiet = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
            if ("try-error" %in% class(time_parsed) || is.na(time_parsed)) {
              nap_error("Could not parse '", time, "' as time", permissive = permissive)
            } else {
              t <- time_parsed - lubridate::now(tz = time_zone)
              naptime(t, permissive = permissive)

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naptime documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:14 a.m.