Man pages for nbTransmission
Naive Bayes Transmission Analysis

clusterInfectorsClusters the infectors based on their transmission...
estimateREstimates the effective reproductive number
estimateRiEstimates individual-level reproductive numbers
estimateRtEstimates time-level reproductive numbers
estimateRtAvgEstimates the average effective reproductive number
estimateSIEstimates the generation/serial interval distribution
indDataIndividual-level simulated outbreak dataset
indToPairTransforms a dataset of individuals to a dataset of pairs
nbHeatmapPlots a heatmap of the relative transmission probabilities
nbNetworkPlots a network of the relative transmission probabilities
nbProbabilitiesEstimates relative transmission probabilities
nbResultsDataset with results of 'nbProbabilities'
pairDataPair-level simulated outbreak dataset
performNBPerforms naive bayes classification
performPEMExecutes the PEM algorthim to estimate the generation/serial...
plotRtCreates a plot of the effective reproductive number
nbTransmission documentation built on Jan. 7, 2021, 1:07 a.m.