Man pages for
Easier 'NetCDF' File Handling

aggregateNcdfAggregate data in netCDF files
checkNcdfFilecheck netCDF file for consistency with CF/COARDS/BGI netCDF...
classR2Ncdftransfers R classes to netCDF classes
closeAllNcfilesClose all open RnetCDF file connections
convertBinary2Ncdftransform binary file to netCDF file
convertDateNcdf2RConvert netCDF time vector to POSIXct R date object
convertDateR2NcdfConvert time vectors in netCDF files to Julian days since a...
convertFilename2DateConvert file name patterns to R date object
createLatLongTimeCreate empty lat/lon/time netCDF file
createStdNcdfFileCreate an empty netCDF file with standardized attributes and...
indexDatacubeCreate logical index matrices for multidimensional datacubes
infoNcdfAttsPrint a summary of all netCDF variable attributes
infoNcdfDimsShow info about all dimensions in a netCDF file
infoNcdfVarsDisplay information about all variables in netCDF file
modifyNcdfAddDimAdd a new dimension to one or more variables in a netCDF file
modifyNcdfAppendHistoryAppend a string to netCDF history
modifyNcdfCopyAttsCopy all attributes between different netCDF variables
modifyNcdfCopyMetadataCopy attributes and dimensions between netCDF files
modifyNcdfCopyVarCopy variable values between netCDF files
modifyNcdfDefAttsDefine a set netCDF attributes at once
modifyNcdfSetMissingSet missing value attribute to a netCDF file
modifyNcdfStdFileStandardize file name and missing value attribute of a ncdf...
modifyNcdfStdNamesModify non standard longitude and latitude names 'NetCDF' File Handling
plotDatacubeVisualize/plot an overview of a netCDF file
readFLUXNETNcdfread data from FLUXNET NetCDF file.
readNcdfEasy reading of netCDF data
readNcdfCoordinatesRead coordinate or dimension values from netCDF file
readNcdfVarNameGet name of variable in netCDF file
transNcdfCutFilesCut margins of netCDF files
transNcdfMergeMerge several netCDF files
transNcdfRotateTranspose a NetCDF datacube
transNcdfSubsetCut and save a subset of a netCDF file documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:19 a.m.