Introduction the neonSoilFlux package

  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"


Welcome to the neonSoilFlux package! This vignette will guide you through the process of using this package to acquire and compute soil CO$_{2}$ fluxes at different sites in the National Ecological Observatory Network.

You can think about this package working in two primary phases:

  1. acquiring the environment data for a given month at a NEON site (acquire_neon_data). This includes: a. Soil temperature at different depths. b. Soil water content at different depths. c. Soil CO$_{2}$ concentration. d. Atmospheric pressure e. Soil properties (bulk density, others)

  2. Given those properties, computing the soil surface fluxes and the associated uncertainty using a variety of methods to compute fluxes (compute_neon_flux).

We split these two functions in order to optimize time and that both were fundamentally different processes. Acquiring the NEON data makes use of the neonUtilities package.

This package takes the guess work out of which data products to collect, hoping to reduce the workflow needed. We rely very much on the tidyverse philosophy for computation and coding here.

Acquiring environmental data

Load up the relevant libraries:


Let's say we want to acquire the NEON soil data at the SJER site during the month June in 2021:

out_env_data <- acquire_neon_data(site_name = 'SJER',
                  download_date = '2021-06',

The output out_env_data for acquire_neon_data is a list of lists:

Two required inputs are needed to run the function acquire_neon_data:

As the data are acquired various messages from the loadByProduct function from the neonUtilities package are shown - this is normal. Products are acquired from each spatial location (horizontalPosition) or vertical depth (verticalPosition) at a NEON site

Outputs for acquire_neon_data are two nested data frames:

Data preparation

For each data product, the acquire_neon_data function also performs two additional checks:

Computing the monthly mean

The monthly mean is utilized when a given measurement fails final QF checks. This function is provided by code from Zoey Werbin. For a location (horizontalPosition) given depth and A monthly mean is computed when there are at least 15 days of measurements. Assume you have a vector of measurements $\vec{y}$, standard errors $\vec{\sigma}$, and expanded uncertainty $\vec{\epsilon}$ (all of length $M$) that passes the QF checks in a given month. The expanded uncertainty $\vec{\epsilon}$ is generated by NEON to be include the 95% confidence interval. We have that $\vec{\sigma}{i}\leq\vec{\epsilon}{i}$. We define the bias $\vec{b}=\sqrt{\left(\vec{\epsilon}\right)^{2}-\left(\vec{\sigma}\right)^{2}}$ to be the quadrature difference between the expanded uncertainty and the standard error.

We generate a bootstrap sample of the mean $\overline{y}$ and standard error $\overline{s}$ the following ways. Here we set the number of bootstrap samples $N$ to be 5000. Entries for $\overline{y}{i}$ and $\overline{s}{i}$ are determined by the following:

  1. Randomly sample from the uncertainty and bias independently: $\vec{\sigma}{j}$ and the bias $\vec{b}{k}$ (not necessarily the same sample)
  2. Generate $N$ random samples from a normal distribution with mean $\vec{y}$ and standard deviation $\vec{\sigma}_{j}$. Since $M<N$, R will recycle the vector $\vec{y}$ so that this sample is of length $M$. We will call the sample of $\vec{y}$ as $\vec{x}$.
  3. With these $N$ random samples, $\overline{y}{i}=\overline{\vec{x}}+\vec{b}{k}$ and $s_{i}$ is the sample standard deviation of $\vec{x}$. We expect that $s_{i} \approx \vec{\sigma}_{j}$.

Once that is complete, the reported monthly mean and standard deviation is $\overline{\overline{y}}$ and $\overline{s}$.

Visualizing outputs

With the resulting output from acquire_neon_data, you can then unnest the different data frames to make plots, for example:

# Extract data
VSWC_data <- out_env_data$site_data |>
  filter(measurement == 'VSWC') |>

# Plot data
VSWC_data |>
  ggplot(aes(x=startDateTime,y=VSWCMean)) +
  geom_point(aes(color=as.factor(VSWCFinalQF))) +

Computing fluxes

Once we have out_env_data from acquire_neon_flux, we then compute the fluxes at this site:

out_fluxes <- compute_neon_flux(input_site_env = out_env_data$site_data,
                  input_site_megapit = out_env_data$site_megapit

The resulting data frame out_fluxes has the following variables:

A QF measurement fails when there is a monthly mean could not be computed for a measurement. Note that this would cause all flux calculations to fail at that given horizontal position.

Assessing Environmental QF flags

You can see the distribution the QF flags for each environmental measurement with env_fingerprint_plot:


Explanation of QF check values:

Assessing flux QF flags

Similarly, you can see the distribution of QF flags for each diffusivity and flux computation with flux_fingerprint_plot:


Explanation of QF check values:

Visualizing outputs

To plot the flux results:

out_fluxes |>
  select(-diffusivity) |>
  unnest(cols=c(flux_compute)) |>
  ggplot(aes(x=startDateTime,y=flux,color=method)) +
    geom_line() +
    facet_wrap(~horizontalPosition,scales = "free_y")

The diffusivity can be plotted similarly:

out_fluxes |>
  select(-flux_compute) |>
  unnest(cols=c(diffusivity)) |>
  ggplot(aes(x=startDateTime,y=diffusivity,color=as.factor(zOffset))) +
  geom_line() +
  facet_wrap(~horizontalPosition,scales = "free_y")  

Try the neonSoilFlux package in your browser

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neonSoilFlux documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:06 a.m.