
#' Computed flux values at a NEON site
#' A nested dataset containing computed fluxes at the SJER site from June 2022. Fluxes were computed with  using compute_neon_flux(sjer_env_data_2022_06,sjer_megapit_data_2022_06).
#' \itemize{
#' \item startDateTime: Time period of measurement (as POSIXct)
#' \item horizontalPosition: Sensor location where flux is computed
#' \item flux_compute: A nested tibble with variables (1) flux, flux_err, and method (one of 4 implemented)
#' \item diffusivity: Computation of surface diffusivity
#' \item VSWCMeanQF: QF flag for soil water content across all vertical depths at the given horizontal position: 0 = no issues, 1 = monthly mean used in measurement, 2 = QF fail
#' \item soilTempMeanQF: QF flag for soil temperature across all vertical depths at the given horizontal position: 0 = no issues, 1 = monthly mean used in measurement, 2 = QF fail
#' \item soilCO2concentrationMeanQF: QF flag for soil CO2 concentration across all vertical depths at the given horizontal position: 0 = no issues, 1 = monthly mean used in measurement, 2 = QF fail
#' \item staPresMeanQF: QF flag for atmospheric pressure across all vertical depths at the given horizontal position: 0 = no issues, 1 = monthly mean used in measurement, 2 = QF fail
#' }
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @name sjer_flux_2022_06
#' @usage data(sjer_flux_2022_06)
#' @format A nested data frame item list with 7200 rows and 8 columns

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neonSoilFlux documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:06 a.m.