
Defines functions neon_db_dir neon_dir

Documented in neon_db_dir neon_dir

#' Default directory for persistent NEON file store
#' Use `neon_dir()` to view or access the currently active local store.
#' By default, [neon_download()] downloads files into the `neon_dir()`,
#' which uses an appropriate application directory for your operating system,
#' see [tools::R_user_dir()].  This location can be overridden by setting
#' the environmental variable `NEONSTORE_HOME`.  `neonstore` functions 
#' (e.g. [neon_index()], and [neon_read()]) look for files in
#' the `neon_dir()` directory by default.  (All functions can also take
#' a one-off argument to `dir` in the function call in place of the calling
#' `neon_dir()` to access the default.  
#' @return the active `neonstore` directory.
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' neon_dir()
#' ## Override with an environmental variable:
#' Sys.setenv(NEONSTORE_HOME = tempdir())
#' neon_dir()
#' ## Unset
#' Sys.unsetenv("NEONSTORE_HOME")
neon_dir <- function(){

#' Default directory for persistent NEON database
#' Use `neon_db_dir()` to view or access the currently active database 
#' directory. By default, this uses the appropriate application directory
#' for your operating system, see [tools::R_user_dir()].
#' This location can be overridden by setting
#' the environmental variable `NEONSTORE_DB`. 
#' @return the active `neonstore` directory.
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' neon_db_dir()
#' ## Override with an environmental variable:
#' Sys.setenv(NEONSTORE_DB = tempdir())
#' neon_db_dir()
#' ## Unset
#' Sys.unsetenv("NEONSTORE_DB")
neon_db_dir <- function(){
             file.path(tools::R_user_dir("neonstore"), "duckdb"))

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

neonstore documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:15 a.m.