Man pages for netcom
NETwork COMparison Inference

alignNetwork Alignment
best_fit_optimEmpirical parameterization
classifyMechanistic Network Classification
classify_SystematicMechanistic Network Classification
compareCompare Networks Many-to-Many
compare_TargetCompare Networks One-to-Many
giniGini coefficient
grow_DDGrow a Duplication and Divergence Network
grow_DMGrow a Duplication and Mutation Network
grow_ERGrow an Erdos-Renyi Random Network
grow_NMGrow a Niche Model Network
grow_PAGrow a Preferential Attachment Network
grow_SWGrow a Small-World Network
icsInduced Conserved Structure (ICS)
make_DDMakes a Duplication and Divergence Network
make_DMMake a Duplication and Mutation Network
make_MixtureMake a Mixture Mechanism Network
make_NMMake a Niche Model network
make_NullMechanism Null Distributions
make_Null_canonicalMechanism Null Distributions
make_Null_mixtureMechanism Null Distributions
make_SWMakes a Small-World Network
make_SystematicSystematically Make Networks
make_Systematic_canonicalSystematically Make Networks
make_Systematic_directedCanonicalLikeSystematically Make Networks
make_Systematic_mixtureSystematically Make Networks
null_fit_optimEmpirical parameterization via null distributions
pipePipe operator
stir_DDSitrs a Duplication and Divergence Network
stir_DMStirs a Duplication and Mutation Network
stir_ERStir an Erdos-Renyi Random Network
stir_NMStirs a Niche Model Network
stir_PAStirs a Preferential Attachment Network
stir_SWStirs a Small-World Network
netcom documentation built on July 22, 2022, 1:05 a.m.