Woods2010: Count statistics of survival data

Woods2010R Documentation

Count statistics of survival data


Count mortality statistics in randomised controlled trials of treatments for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (Woods et al. (2010), Table 1).


A data frame with the following columns:

author first author / study name
treatment treatment
r number of deaths in treatment arm
N number of patients in treatment arm


Woods BS, Hawkins N, Scott DA (2010): Network meta-analysis on the log-hazard scale, combining count and hazard ratio statistics accounting for multi-arm trials: A tutorial. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 10, 54

See Also

pairwise, metabin, netmeta



# Transform data from long arm-based format to contrast-based
# format Argument 'sm' has to be used for odds ratio as summary
# measure; by default the risk ratio is used in the metabin
# function called internally.
p1 <- pairwise(treatment, event = r, n = N,
  studlab = author, data = Woods2010, sm = "OR")

# Conduct network meta-analysis
net1 <- netmeta(p1)

## Not run: 
# Show forest plot
forest(net1, ref = "Placebo", drop = TRUE,
  leftlabs = "Contrast to Placebo")

## End(Not run)

netmeta documentation built on June 23, 2024, 9:06 a.m.