
#' Network meta-analysis of adjuvant treatments to levodopa therapy
#' for Parkinson's disease
#' @description
#' This data set contains data from a Cochrane review assessing
#' efficacy and safety of three drug classes as adjuvant treatment to
#' levodopa therapy in patients with Parkinson’s disease and motor
#' complications (Stowe et al., 2010). The authors conducted three
#' pairwise meta-analyses comparing dopamine agonists,
#' catechol-O-methyl transferase inhibitors (COMTIs), and monoamine
#' oxidase type B inhibitors (MAOBIs), respectively, with placebo.
#' The primary outcome was the mean reduction of the time spent in a
#' relatively immobile ’off’ phase (mean off-time), calculated in
#' hours per day. Relative treatment effects were expressed as mean
#' difference. Data on this outcome were available for 5,331 patients
#' from 28 studies comparing an active treatment with placebo and one
#' three-arm study comparing two active treatments with placebo.
#' @name Stowe2010
#' @docType data
#' @format A data frame with the following columns:
#' \tabular{rl}{
#' \bold{\emph{study}}\tab study label \cr
#' \bold{\emph{id}}\tab study id \cr
#' \bold{\emph{t1}}\tab treatment 1 \cr
#' \bold{\emph{y1}}\tab treatment effect arm 1 \cr
#' \bold{\emph{sd1}}\tab Standard deviation arm 1 \cr
#' \bold{\emph{n1}}\tab Sample size arm 1 \cr
#' \bold{\emph{t2}}\tab treatment 2 \cr
#' \bold{\emph{y2}}\tab treatment effect arm 2 \cr
#' \bold{\emph{sd2}}\tab Standard deviation arm 2 \cr
#' \bold{\emph{n2}}\tab Sample size arm 2 \cr
#' \bold{\emph{t3}}\tab treatment 3 \cr
#' \bold{\emph{y3}}\tab treatment effect arm 3 \cr
#' \bold{\emph{sd3}}\tab Standard deviation arm 3 \cr
#' \bold{\emph{n3}}\tab Sample size arm 3
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{pairwise}}, \code{\link{metacont}},
#'   \code{\link{netmeta}}, \code{\link{netgraph.netmeta}}
#' @source
#' Stowe R, Ives N, Clarke CE, Deane K, Hilten V, Wheatley K, et
#' al. (2010):
#' Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of adjuvant treatment to
#' levodopa therapy in Parkinson's disease patients with motor
#' complications.
#' \emph{Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews}
#' @keywords datasets
#' @examples
#' data(Stowe2010)
#' # Transform data from arm-based format to contrast-based format
#' #
#' p1 <- pairwise(list(t1, t2, t3),
#'   n = list(n1, n2, n3),
#'   mean = list(y1, y2, y3), sd = list(sd1, sd2, sd3),
#'   data = Stowe2010, studlab = study)
#' p1
#' # Conduct network meta-analysis
#' net1 <- netmeta(p1, ref = "plac")
#' net1


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