Man pages for netseg
Measures of Network Segregation and Homophily

assortAssortativity Coefficient
CataniaPattern of sexual contacts in AMEN study
ClassroomClassroom network
colemanColeman's homophily index
EF3Example data from Figure III of Echenique and Fryer (2006)
eiKrackhard and Stern's E-I index
foldFolding square matrices around the diagonal
freemanGeneralized Freeman's segregation index
gamixGupta-Anderson-May measure of within-group mixing
group_sizesComputing group sizes from square mixing matrices
mixingmNetwork mixing matrix
netseg-packagenetseg: Measures of Network Segregation and Homophily
orwgOdds ratio of existence of within-group ties
smiSegregation Matrix Index
ssiSpectral Segregation Index for Social Networks
symmetrize(De)symmetrize square numeric matrix
WhiteKinshipWhite's data on Effective Kinship Networks
netseg documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:33 p.m.