Man pages for nhlscrape
Scrapes the 'NHL' API for Statistical Analysis

AddAllTeamsDbAdd team metadata to the database
AddGameEventsAdds all game events for game_id to the database for analysis
AddTeamRosterAdds rosters for team id and a specific season
GetApiJsonCall the nhl api and parse the retun
GetDbPathRetrieve database location on system
GetGameIdRangeFind game ids for a specific team and date range
GetHeatmapCoordsGet the heatmap coordinates for certain events in the...
GetPlayerIdSearch player id using name
GetPlayerStatsWIP - Get advanced statistics for player_id on team_id in a...
GetTeamIdSearch for team id from team name
QueryDbSend query to database
SetDbPathSet database location on system
nhlscrape documentation built on March 26, 2020, 5:29 p.m.