Man pages for nixmass
Snow Water Equivalent Modeling with the 'Delta.snow' Model and Empirical Regression Models

hsdataDaily snow depth data for a northern alpine station
nixmassSWE modeling with the delta.snow process based model and...
plot.nixmassPlot modeled SWE values of a nixmass object.
summary.nixmassPrint summary of a nixmass object. modeling from daily snow depth differences
swe.gu19Statistical SWE modeling based on a quadratic dependance on...
swe.jo09Statistical SWE modeling depending on month and climatic...
swe.pi16Statistical SWE modeling depending on the day-of-year
swe.st10Statistical SWE modeling depending on day of year and a...
nixmass documentation built on March 5, 2021, 5:08 p.m.