thresh-class: The thresh class

Description Details See Also


The function nmathresh returns S3 objects of class thresh.


Objects of class thresh have the following components:


A data frame with columns lo and hi for the lower and upper thresholds, and lo.newkstar and hi.newkstar for the new optimal (or rank-trt.rank) treatments at each of the thresholds.


The threshold solutions matrix. One column for each data point m, one row for each contrast d_{ab} (in ascending order). The elements U_{ab,m} describe the amount of adjustment to data point y_m required to reverse the relative ranking of treatments a and b. This matrix is particularly useful for deriving thresholds for more complex decisions (e.g. bias-adjustment thresholds for a new treatment entering the top two, for any change in rank of the top three, etc.)


The threshold solutions matrix limited to contrasts involving k^*. In other words, the rows of U corresponding to contrasts of the form d_{ak^*} or d_{k^*a}. Elements U_{ak^*,m} of this matrix describe the amount of adjustment to data point y_m required to make treatment a optimal (or rank-trt.rank) over k^*.


The influence matrix of the data on the basic treatment parameters. One column for each data point m, one row for each basic treatment parameter d_k. Elements H_{k,m} describe the influence of data point y_m on parameter d_k. This matrix can be used to derive more complex thresholds (e.g. 2D thresholds for simultaneous adjustments to two data points, or thresholds for common adjustments to a group of data points).


The base-case optimal (or rank-trt.rank) treatment k^*.


A list containing all the arguments defined in the original call to nma_thresh.

See Also


nmathresh documentation built on July 8, 2020, 5:17 p.m.