Man pages for nmm
Nonlinear Multivariate Models

addInterAdd interactions
add_variable'add_variable' adds columns to the data matrix
AICcAdjusted Akaike's Information Criterion.
bread.nmmBread for Sandwiches.
calc_sigma_rhoReturns function for sigma and rho calculation
check_names_startChecks if starting values have names
check_par_av'check_par_av' Checks if all elements of par are available in...
collapse_spaceCollapses lines ending with " "
combine_attr_deriv'combine_attr_deriv' combines attributes of two 'deriv()'...
cond_expr'cond_expr' returns moments of conditional multivariate...
cond_mean_cov_expr'cond_mean_cov_expr' returns conditional mean and variance...
cont_statsGoodness of fit measures
convert_attr2exp'convert_attr2exp' converts symbolic attribute of derivative...
corstarslSignificance of correlation matrix
dat4cond_mean_cov_exprLog-likelihood expressions for cont. equations plus 1...
dataMExample dataset
datmaxleLog-likelihood expressions for cont. equations
datmlsemLog-likelihood expressions for cont. equations sem
deriv_disc_exprGet expression of Hessian and Gradient for discrete choice...
deriv_disc_expr_corrHessian and Gradient expressions
diagnosticsGoodness of fit measures for both parts
expr_ll_normLog-likelihood expressions for cont. equations
expr_ll_norm_v2Another Log-likelihood expressions for cont. equations...
extract_attr_deriv'extract_attr_deriv' converts attributes(hessian/gradient) of...
extract_cont_dataTakes out only data used in continuous estimation
f_create'f_create' creates functions for log-likelihood of different...
ff_generate4maxlehelp function
ff_generate4maxle_pHelp function
ff_generate4maxle_p_v2Help function
ff_generate4mlsemhelp function
f_helpInternal helper function
formula2string'formula2string' removes square brackets from the supplied...
generate_disc_coefsFunction for finding starting values for nls equations with...
get_npar'get_npar' Get number of parameters or vector of parameters...
get_par'get_par' replaces names of parameters with par[i].
get_start'get_start' get starting values for discrete or continuous...
get_start_cont'get_start_cont' get starting values for continuous...
get_start_disc'get_start_disc' get starting values for discrete choice...
grad_hess_eval'grad_hess_eval' forms function of gradient and Hessian of...
gradient.nmmGradient with supplied coefficients
help_diagnosticsGenerates objects needed for diagnostics functions
help_MNdogitfInternal helper function for MNdogitf
help_MNlogitfInternal helper function for MNlogitf
hessian.nmmHessian with supplied coefficients
hitRateCalculate Heat rate
in2nmm'in2nmm' convert some estimation results into 'nmm' object.
LL_joint'LL_joint' Function for joint log-likelihood with correlation...
LL_joint_no_corr'LL_joint_no_corr' Function for log-likelihood without...
logLik.nmmLog-likelihood(LL) with supplied coefficients.
MAEDtimeExpenditureTime-use and expenditure dataset
MAEDtravelTrip dataset
maxle'maxle' returns expression of log-likelihood (LL) of joint...
maxle_p'maxle_p' returns expression of partitioned log-likelihood....
meat.nmmMeat for Sandwiches
mlsem'mlsem' returns expression of log-likelihood for joint normal...
MNlogitf'MNlogitf' or 'MNdogitf' returns log-likelihood(LL)...
mod_functionModifies function to optimize sigma and rho
nmmMaximum likelihood estimation of nonlinear multivariate...
nmm_1goodsearches for 1st good optimization method between possible...
nmm_bestsearches for best optimization method between possible maxLik...
nmm_DEoptimsearches for 1st good optimization method between possible...
nmm_lastDEoptimlast time try out DEoptim if no functions before produced...
nrParam'nrParam' return number of parameters used in the estimation.
par2sigmaConverts vector of variances and correlations values into a...
prepare_data'prepare_data' prepare data for the estimation.
pseudoRpseudo R^2
replace_expressionReplaces expressions ".exprXX" with strings
replace_par'replace_par' replaces text with other text.
replace_par_wrap'replace_par_wrap' replace text with other text, wrapper of...
sigma2parConverts sigma matrix into parameter vector
stats_functionHelper functions
string2formula'string2formula' add square brackets to expressions. Reverse...
try_algTest if maxLik produces an error
try_ifChecks if nmm object has an error
wxMaxima'wxMaxima' does symbolic computation in 'Maxima' Requires...
nmm documentation built on Jan. 7, 2021, 5:10 p.m.