## ---- eval = F, echo = T------------------------------------------------------
# library(nmslibR)
# # conversion from a matrix object to a scipy sparse matrix
# #----------------------------------------------------------
# set.seed(1)
# x = matrix(runif(1000), nrow = 100, ncol = 10)
# x_sparse = mat_2scipy_sparse(x, format = "sparse_row_matrix")
# print(dim(x))
# [1] 100 10
# print(x_sparse$shape)
# (100, 10)
## ---- eval = F, echo = T------------------------------------------------------
# # conversion from a dgCMatrix object to a scipy sparse matrix
# #-------------------------------------------------------------
# data = c(1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 3, 4, 5, 6)
# # 'dgCMatrix' sparse matrix
# #--------------------------
# dgcM = Matrix::Matrix(data = data, nrow = 3,
# ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE,
# sparse = TRUE)
# print(dim(dgcM))
# [1] 3 3
# x_sparse = TO_scipy_sparse(dgcM)
# print(x_sparse$shape)
# (3, 3)
# # 'dgRMatrix' sparse matrix
# #--------------------------
# dgrM = as(dgcM, "RsparseMatrix")
# class(dgrM)
# # [1] "dgRMatrix"
# # attr(,"package")
# # [1] "Matrix"
# print(dim(dgrM))
# [1] 3 3
# res_dgr = TO_scipy_sparse(dgrM)
# print(res_dgr$shape)
# (3, 3)
## ---- eval = F, echo = T------------------------------------------------------
# library(nmslibR)
# # download the data from my Github repository (tested on a Linux OS)
# #-------------------------------------------------------------------
# system("wget")
# # load the data in the R session
# #-------------------------------
# sift_10k = read.table("~/sift_10k.txt", quote="\"", comment.char="")
# # index parameters
# #-----------------
# M = 15
# efC = 100
# num_threads = 5
# index_params = list('M'= M, 'indexThreadQty' = num_threads, 'efConstruction' = efC,
# 'post' = 0, 'skip_optimized_index' = 1 )
# # query-time parameters
# #----------------------
# efS = 100
# query_time_params = list('efSearch' = efS)
# # Number of neighbors
# #--------------------
# K = 100
# # space to use
# #---------------
# space_name = 'l2sqr_sift'
# # initialize NMSlib [ the data should be a matrix ]
# #--------------------------------------------------
# init_nms = NMSlib$new(input_data = as.matrix(sift_10k), Index_Params = index_params,
# Time_Params = query_time_params, space = space_name,
# space_params = NULL, method = 'hnsw',
# data_type = 'DENSE_UINT8_VECTOR', dtype = 'INT',
# index_filepath = NULL, print_progress = FALSE)
## ---- eval = F, echo = T------------------------------------------------------
# # returns a 1-dimensional vector
# #-------------------------------
# init_nms$Knn_Query(query_data_row = as.matrix(sift_10k[1, ]), k = 5)
## ---- eval = F, echo = T------------------------------------------------------
# [[1]]
# [1] 2 6 4585 9256 140 # indices
# [[2]]
# [1] 18724 24320 68158 69067 70321 # distances
## ---- eval = F, echo = T------------------------------------------------------
# # returns knn's for all data
# #---------------------------
# all_dat = init_nms$knn_Query_Batch(as.matrix(sift_10k), k = 5, num_threads = 1)
# str(all_dat)
## ---- eval = F, echo = T------------------------------------------------------
# # a list of indices and distances for all observations
# #------------------------------------------------------
# List of 2
# $ knn_idx : num [1:10000, 1:5] 3 4 1 2 13 14 1 2 30 31 ...
# $ knn_dist: num [1:10000, 1:5] 18724 14995 18724 14995 21038 ...
## ---- eval = F, echo = T------------------------------------------------------
# # using system('wget..') on a linux OS
# system("wget")
# mnist <- read.table(unz("", "mnist.csv"), nrows = 70000, header = T,
# quote = "\"", sep = ",")
## ---- eval = F, echo = T------------------------------------------------------
# X = mnist[, -ncol(mnist)]
# dim(X)
# ## [1] 70000 784
# # the 'KernelKnnCV_nmslib' function requires that the labels are numeric and start from 1 : Inf
# y = mnist[, ncol(mnist)] + 1
# table(y)
# ## y
# ## 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# ## 6903 7877 6990 7141 6824 6313 6876 7293 6825 6958
# # evaluation metric
# acc = function (y_true, preds) {
# out = table(y_true, max.col(preds, ties.method = "random"))
# acc = sum(diag(out))/sum(out)
# acc
# }
## ---- eval = F, echo = T------------------------------------------------------
# library(OpenImageR)
# hog = HOG_apply(X, cells = 6, orientations = 9, rows = 28, columns = 28, threads = 6)
# ##
# ## time to complete : 2.101281 secs
# dim(hog)
# ## [1] 70000 324
## ---- eval = F, echo = T------------------------------------------------------
# # parameters for 'KernelKnnCV_nmslib'
# #------------------------------------
# M = 30
# efC = 100
# num_threads = 6
# index_params = list('M'= M, 'indexThreadQty' = num_threads, 'efConstruction' = efC,
# 'post' = 0, 'skip_optimized_index' = 1 )
# efS = 100
# query_time_params = list('efSearch' = efS)
# # approximate kernel knn
# #-----------------------
# fit_hog = KernelKnnCV_nmslib(hog, y, k = 20, folds = 4, h = 1,
# weights_function = 'biweight_tricube_MULT',
# Levels = sort(unique(y)), Index_Params = index_params,
# Time_Params = query_time_params, space = "cosinesimil",
# space_params = NULL, method = "hnsw", data_type = "DENSE_VECTOR",
# dtype = "FLOAT", index_filepath = NULL, print_progress = FALSE,
# num_threads = 6, seed_num = 1)
# # cross-validation starts ..
# # |=================================================================================| 100%
# # time to complete : 32.88805 secs
# str(fit_hog)
## ---- eval = F, echo = T------------------------------------------------------
# List of 2
# $ preds:List of 4
# ..$ : num [1:17500, 1:10] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
# ..$ : num [1:17500, 1:10] 0 0 0 0 1 ...
# ..$ : num [1:17500, 1:10] 0 0 0 0 0 ...
# ..$ : num [1:17500, 1:10] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
# $ folds:List of 4
# ..$ fold_1: int [1:17500] 49808 21991 42918 7967 49782 28979 64440 49809 30522 36673 ...
# ..$ fold_2: int [1:17500] 51122 9469 58021 45228 2944 58052 65074 17709 2532 31262 ...
# ..$ fold_3: int [1:17500] 33205 40078 68177 32620 52721 18981 19417 53922 19102 67206 ...
# ..$ fold_4: int [1:17500] 28267 41652 28514 34525 68534 13294 48759 47521 69395 41408 ...
## ---- eval = F, echo = T------------------------------------------------------
# acc_fit_hog = unlist(lapply(1:length(fit_hog$preds),
# function(x) acc(y[fit_hog$folds[[x]]],
# fit_hog$preds[[x]])))
# acc_fit_hog
# ## [1] 0.9768000 0.9786857 0.9763429 0.9760000
# cat('mean accuracy for hog-features using cross-validation :', mean(acc_fit_hog), '\n')
# ## mean accuracy for hog-features using cross-validation : 0.9769571
## ---- eval = F, echo = T------------------------------------------------------
# # brute force of NMSLIB [ here we set 'Index_Params' and 'Time_Params' to NULL ]
# #----------------------
# fit_hog_seq = KernelKnnCV_nmslib(hog, y, k = 20, folds = 4, h = 1,
# weights_function = 'biweight_tricube_MULT',
# Levels = sort(unique(y)), Index_Params = NULL,
# Time_Params = NULL, space = "cosinesimil",
# space_params = NULL, method = "seq_search",
# data_type = "DENSE_VECTOR", dtype = "FLOAT",
# index_filepath = NULL, print_progress = FALSE,
# num_threads = 6, seed_num = 1)
# # cross-validation starts ..
# # |=================================================================================| 100%
# # time to complete : 4.506177 mins
# acc_fit_hog_seq = unlist(lapply(1:length(fit_hog_seq$preds),
# function(x) acc(y[fit_hog_seq$folds[[x]]],
# fit_hog_seq$preds[[x]])))
# acc_fit_hog_seq
# ## [1] 0.9785143 0.9802286 0.9783429 0.9784571
# cat('mean accuracy for hog-features using cross-validation :', mean(acc_fit_hog_seq), '\n')
# ## mean accuracy for hog-features using cross-validation : 0.9788857
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