
title: "nntrf hyper-parameter tuning" author: "Ricardo Aler" date: "2020-07-21" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{nntrf hyper-parameter tuning} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::knitr} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8}

#> Loading required package: ParamHelpers
#> 'mlr' is in maintenance mode since July 2019. Future development
#> efforts will go into its successor 'mlr3'
#> (<>).

nntrf Hyper-parameter Tuning

nntrf has several hyper-parameters which are important in order to obtain good results. Those are:

Machine learning pipelines usually contain two kinds of steps: pre-processing and classifier/regressor. Both kinds of steps contain hyper-parameters and they are optimized together. nntrf is a preprocessing step. The classifier method that will be used after preprocessing is KNN, whose main hyper-parameter is the number of neighbors (k). Hyper-parameter tuning could be programmed from scratch, but it is more efficient to use the procedures already available in machine learning packages such as mlr or Caret. In this case, mlr will be used. Code to do that is described below.

The next piece of code has nothing to do with nntrf. It just establishes that the doughnutRandRotated dataset is going to be used (with target variable "V11"), that grid search is going to be used for hyper-parameter tuning, that an external 3-fold crossvalidation is going to be used to evaluate models, while an inner 3-fold crossvalidation is going to be used for hyper-parameter tuning.


doughnut_task <- makeClassifTask(data = doughnutRandRotated, target = "V11")
control_grid <- makeTuneControlGrid()
inner_desc <- makeResampleDesc("CV", iter=3)
outer_desc <-  makeResampleDesc("CV", iter=3)
outer_inst <- makeResampleInstance(outer_desc, doughnut_task)

A mlr subpakage, called mlrCPO, is going to be used to combine pre-processing and learning into a single pipeline. In order to do that, nntrf must be defined as a pipeline step, as follows. Basically, it defines train and retrafo methods. The former, trains the neural networks and stores the hidden layer weights, the latter applies the transformation on a datasaet. pSS is used to define the main nntrf hyper-parameters.

cpo_nntrf = makeCPO("nntrfCPO",  
                       # Here, the hyper-parameters of nntrf are defined
                       pSS(size: integer[1, ],
                           repetitions = 1 : integer[1, ],
                           maxit = 100 : integer[1, ],
                           use_sigmoid = FALSE: logical),
                       dataformat = "numeric",
                       cpo.train = function(data, target, size, repetitions, maxit, use_sigmoid) {
                         nnpo <- nntrf(repetitions=repetitions,
                                       size=size, maxit=maxit, trace=FALSE)
                       cpo.retrafo = function(data, control, size, repetitions, maxit, use_sigmoid) {

                         trf_x <- control$trf(x=data,use_sigmoid=use_sigmoid)

Next, the pipeline of pre-processing + classifier method (KNN in this case) is defined.

# knn is the machine learning method. The knn available in the FNN package is used
knn_lrn <- makeLearner("classif.fnn")
# Then, knn is combined with nntrf's preprocessing into a pipeline
knn_nntrf <- cpo_nntrf() %>>% knn_lrn
# Just in case, we fix the values of the hyper-parameters that we do not require to optimize
# (not necessary, because they already have default values. Just to make their values explicit)
knn_nntrf <- setHyperPars(knn_nntrf, nntrfCPO.repetitions=1, nntrfCPO.maxit=100, nntrfCPO.use_sigmoid=FALSE)

# However, we are going to use 2 repetitions here, instead of 1 (the default):

knn_nntrf <- setHyperPars(knn_nntrf, nntrfCPO.repetitions=2)

Next, the hyper-parameter space for the pipeline is defined. Only two hyper-parameters will be optimized: the number of KNN neighbors (k), from 1 to 7, and the number of hidden neurons (size), from 1 to 10. The remaining hyper-parameters are left to some default values.

ps <- makeParamSet(makeDiscreteParam("k", values = 1:7),
                   makeDiscreteParam("nntrfCPO.size", values = 1:10)

Next, a mlr wrapper is used to give the knn_nntrf pipeline the ability to do hyper-parameter tuning.

knn_nntrf_tune <- makeTuneWrapper(knn_nntrf, resampling = inner_desc, par.set = ps, 
                                     control = control_grid, measures = list(acc), = FALSE)

Finally, the complete process (3-fold hyper-parameter tuning) and 3-fold outer model evaluation is run. It takes some time.

# Please, note that in order to save time, results have been precomputed
if(file.exists("../inst/error_knn_nntrf_tune.rda")){load("../inst/error_knn_nntrf_tune.rda")} else {
error_knn_nntrf_tune <- resample(knn_nntrf_tune, doughnut_task, outer_inst, 
                                 measures = list(acc), 
                                 extract = getTuneResult, =  FALSE)
#save(error_knn_nntrf_tune, file="error_knn_nntrf_tune.rda")

Errors and optimal hyper-parameters are as follows (the 3-fold inner hyper-parameter tuning crossvalidation accuracy is also shown in acc.test.mean ). Note that

#> [[1]]
#> Tune result:
#> Op. pars: k=7; nntrfCPO.size=6
#> acc.test.mean=0.9710512
#> [[2]]
#> Tune result:
#> Op. pars: k=5; nntrfCPO.size=6
#> acc.test.mean=0.9665467
#> [[3]]
#> Tune result:
#> Op. pars: k=3; nntrfCPO.size=5
#> acc.test.mean=0.9589009

And the final outer 3-fold crossvalition accuracy is displayed below. Please, note that this acc.test.mean corresponds to the outer 3-fold crossvalidation, while the acc.test.mean above, corresponds to the inner 3-fold crossvalidation accuracy (computed during hyper-parameter tuning).

#> acc.test.mean 
#>     0.9522975

Although not required, mlr allows to display the results of the different hyper-parameter values, sorted by the inner 3-fold crossvalidation, from best to worse.

#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
results_hyper <- generateHyperParsEffectData(error_knn_nntrf_tune)
arrange(results_hyper$data, -acc.test.mean)
#>     k nntrfCPO.size acc.test.mean iteration exec.time nested_cv_run
#> 1   7             6     0.9710512        42     3.161             1
#> 2   5             6     0.9665467        40     3.088             2
#> 3   7             4     0.9637031        28     2.458             1
#> 4   3             5     0.9589009        31     2.897             3
#> 5   7            10     0.9581526        70     4.333             3
#> 6   4             6     0.9576958        39     3.514             2
#> 7   7             6     0.9572517        42     3.038             3
#> 8   7             8     0.9568007        56     3.802             1
#> 9   5             7     0.9566527        47     3.257             3
#> 10  4             6     0.9547045        39     3.098             3
#> 11  4             5     0.9546999        32     2.883             3
#> 12  7             8     0.9543954        56     3.413             2
#> 13  7             9     0.9540954        63     4.373             2
#> 14  5             6     0.9538012        40     3.066             3
#> 15  6             8     0.9536572        55     3.412             1
#> 16  5             6     0.9536526        40     3.399             1
#> 17  7             3     0.9533492        21     2.412             3
#> 18  4             4     0.9532015        25     2.374             3
#> 19  1             7     0.9524521        43     3.378             3
#> 20  3             6     0.9518587        38     3.267             1
#> 21  3             4     0.9517005        24     2.427             1
#> 22  7             5     0.9512509        35     2.814             3
#> 23  3             8     0.9511009        52     3.999             1
#> 24  6            10     0.9498950        69     5.034             2
#> 25  6             9     0.9492949        62     3.707             2
#> 26  6             7     0.9491512        48     3.794             1
#> 27  7            10     0.9490008        70     4.625             1
#> 28  4            10     0.9487009        67     4.751             3
#> 29  5             5     0.9485449        33     2.716             2
#> 30  3             8     0.9485449        52     3.616             2
#> 31  5             9     0.9485449        61     4.724             2
#> 32  3             7     0.9482524        45     3.658             1
#> 33  1             7     0.9475010        43     4.258             1
#> 34  5             8     0.9474997        54     3.923             3
#> 35  6             8     0.9473447        55     3.817             2
#> 36  1             8     0.9472009        50     3.764             3
#> 37  6             4     0.9472000        27     2.377             3
#> 38  6             4     0.9466025        27     2.503             1
#> 39  7             8     0.9466016        56     3.610             3
#> 40  4             7     0.9464505        46     3.640             1
#> 41  4             4     0.9464446        25     2.797             2
#> 42  7             9     0.9458510        63     4.140             3
#> 43  5             7     0.9458446        47     3.426             2
#> 44  6             8     0.9449514        55     3.857             3
#> 45  5             7     0.9443525        47     4.150             1
#> 46  2             8     0.9442014        51     3.656             3
#> 47  1             6     0.9439015        36     3.199             3
#> 48  5            10     0.9432943        68     4.534             2
#> 49  5             9     0.9424011        61     4.234             3
#> 50  7             9     0.9422530        63     4.043             1
#> 51  6             7     0.9422442        48     3.324             2
#> 52  1             5     0.9421010        29     2.871             3
#> 53  4             8     0.9413539        53     3.652             3
#> 54  5             8     0.9412051        54     3.831             1
#> 55  4             7     0.9411941        46     3.605             2
#> 56  7             6     0.9410441        42     3.013             2
#> 57  4             8     0.9403029        53     3.876             1
#> 58  2            10     0.9398553        65     4.782             3
#> 59  1             6     0.9395494        36     3.107             1
#> 60  3             9     0.9395440        59     4.315             2
#> 61  6             6     0.9394046        41     3.159             1
#> 62  7             7     0.9382039        49     3.702             1
#> 63  4            10     0.9381938        67     4.666             2
#> 64  3             7     0.9381938        45     3.437             2
#> 65  7             7     0.9380500        49     3.540             3
#> 66  6             9     0.9380489        62     4.045             1
#> 67  4             5     0.9380438        32     2.862             2
#> 68  7            10     0.9380438        70     4.061             2
#> 69  5             5     0.9374524        33     2.735             3
#> 70  6             5     0.9362548        34     2.828             1
#> 71  6             7     0.9359542        48     3.556             3
#> 72  2             5     0.9357936        30     2.701             2
#> 73  6             9     0.9356594        62     4.122             3
#> 74  1             5     0.9354972        29     2.930             1
#> 75  3            10     0.9352008        66     4.598             1
#> 76  3            10     0.9335571        66     4.800             3
#> 77  4            10     0.9332538        67     4.652             1
#> 78  1             3     0.9326433        15     2.167             2
#> 79  4             9     0.9325013        60     4.078             3
#> 80  5            10     0.9323528        68     4.607             1
#> 81  4             7     0.9320521        46     3.590             3
#> 82  3             9     0.9317513        59     4.055             3
#> 83  3             9     0.9316107        59     4.062             1
#> 84  3             6     0.9314431        38     3.012             2
#> 85  4             9     0.9311431        60     4.213             2
#> 86  2             9     0.9298068        58     4.244             3
#> 87  2             9     0.9281428        58     3.577             2
#> 88  5             8     0.9281428        54     3.940             2
#> 89  2             5     0.9275506        30     2.674             1
#> 90  6            10     0.9275504        69     3.785             1
#> 91  2             7     0.9274053        44     3.715             3
#> 92  1             7     0.9267927        43     3.221             2
#> 93  2             5     0.9257507        30     2.663             3
#> 94  2             4     0.9256004        23     2.528             1
#> 95  4             5     0.9253034        32     2.696             1
#> 96  3             7     0.9251511        45     3.189             3
#> 97  6             4     0.9249925        27     2.463             2
#> 98  3             8     0.9245547        52     3.867             3
#> 99  1             8     0.9240924        50     3.541             2
#> 100 1             6     0.9236424        36     3.257             2
#> 101 6            10     0.9233514        69     3.988             3
#> 102 6             5     0.9225923        34     2.838             2
#> 103 2             6     0.9211039        37     3.205             3
#> 104 3             6     0.9193031        38     3.102             3
#> 105 2            10     0.9188577        65     3.815             1
#> 106 1             9     0.9181033        57     3.983             1
#> 107 7             7     0.9179418        49     3.400             2
#> 108 1             8     0.9176461        50     3.814             1
#> 109 5            10     0.9175010        68     4.251             3
#> 110 1             9     0.9167417        57     4.258             2
#> 111 1            10     0.9161570        64     4.674             1
#> 112 1             9     0.9161507        57     3.667             3
#> 113 2             7     0.9143414        44     3.032             2
#> 114 4             8     0.9137414        53     3.830             2
#> 115 1            10     0.9128498        64     4.612             3
#> 116 3            10     0.9114911        66     4.620             2
#> 117 2            10     0.9113411        65     4.188             2
#> 118 2             6     0.9099910        37     2.916             2
#> 119 4             9     0.9088022        60     3.738             1
#> 120 2             7     0.9067117        44     3.409             1
#> 121 1            10     0.9030903        64     4.366             2
#> 122 2             8     0.8993399        51     3.271             2
#> 123 2             9     0.8989004        58     3.932             1
#> 124 2             6     0.8902114        37     3.004             1
#> 125 5             5     0.8868945        33     3.018             1
#> 126 4             6     0.8775986        39     3.056             1
#> 127 5             3     0.8739923        19     2.049             1
#> 128 2             8     0.8738764        51     3.643             1
#> 129 1             3     0.8720429        15     2.230             1
#> 130 5             3     0.8639423        19     2.246             3
#> 131 7             4     0.8639364        28     2.505             2
#> 132 5             4     0.8603360        26     2.348             2
#> 133 3             3     0.8564418        17     2.268             3
#> 134 7             4     0.8530384        28     2.404             3
#> 135 3             4     0.8526853        24     2.404             2
#> 136 4             4     0.8516419        25     2.661             1
#> 137 5             3     0.8504350        19     2.179             2
#> 138 3             5     0.8495856        31     2.433             1
#> 139 3             4     0.8487948        24     2.435             3
#> 140 3             5     0.8478848        31     2.782             2
#> 141 1             4     0.8458419        22     2.357             3
#> 142 7             5     0.8450345        35     2.695             2
#> 143 6             5     0.8429438        34     2.500             3
#> 144 1             2     0.8406841         8     1.777             2
#> 145 6             6     0.8405885        41     2.997             3
#> 146 1             5     0.8397840        29     2.839             2
#> 147 1             4     0.8339334        22     2.456             2
#> 148 2             4     0.8325833        23     2.316             2
#> 149 2             3     0.8279455        16     1.831             3
#> 150 2             4     0.8268924        23     2.427             3
#> 151 4             3     0.8268827        18     2.086             2
#> 152 3             3     0.8192424        17     2.025             1
#> 153 1             4     0.8171888        22     2.351             1
#> 154 4             3     0.8045576        18     2.207             3
#> 155 7             5     0.8044290        35     2.658             1
#> 156 5             9     0.8043877        61     3.259             1
#> 157 1             2     0.8011081         8     1.774             1
#> 158 2             3     0.7954354        16     2.026             1
#> 159 5             4     0.7798139        26     2.456             3
#> 160 2             2     0.7766682         9     1.869             3
#> 161 6             6     0.7748275        41     2.935             2
#> 162 6             3     0.7589259        20     2.138             2
#> 163 7             3     0.7562256        21     2.219             2
#> 164 1             3     0.7557789        15     2.100             3
#> 165 4             3     0.7550812        18     2.132             1
#> 166 2             2     0.7514799         9     1.971             1
#> 167 3             3     0.7511251        17     2.177             2
#> 168 6             3     0.7488827        20     2.109             3
#> 169 7             3     0.7339133        21     2.274             1
#> 170 6             2     0.7286754        13     1.908             1
#> 171 7             2     0.7286229        14     2.121             2
#> 172 4             2     0.7227723        11     1.820             2
#> 173 3             2     0.7104929        10     1.890             3
#> 174 6             2     0.7017702        13     1.950             2
#> 175 5             2     0.6953195        12     1.805             2
#> 176 5             4     0.6707729        26     2.661             1
#> 177 5             2     0.6704550        12     2.083             1
#> 178 6             2     0.6700091        13     2.145             3
#> 179 6             3     0.6652175        20     1.861             1
#> 180 2             3     0.6605161        16     2.341             2
#> 181 3             2     0.6572692        10     2.238             1
#> 182 7             2     0.6563673        14     1.706             1
#> 183 1             2     0.6562228         8     1.672             3
#> 184 7             1     0.6514174         7     1.474             1
#> 185 2             2     0.6501650         9     1.796             2
#> 186 3             2     0.6500150        10     1.899             2
#> 187 4             2     0.6496186        11     1.630             1
#> 188 5             2     0.6487168        12     1.908             3
#> 189 5             1     0.6439195         5     1.560             3
#> 190 7             2     0.6401687        14     1.892             3
#> 191 4             1     0.6398680         4     1.290             1
#> 192 4             2     0.6388173        11     1.953             3
#> 193 4             1     0.6383138         4     1.490             2
#> 194 5             1     0.6380138         5     1.550             2
#> 195 3             1     0.6315632         3     1.260             2
#> 196 6             1     0.6260662         6     1.478             1
#> 197 6             1     0.6244168         6     1.638             3
#> 198 2             1     0.6240624         2     1.315             2
#> 199 2             1     0.6206765         2     1.225             3
#> 200 6             1     0.6195620         6     1.444             2
#> 201 2             1     0.6178170         2     1.529             1
#> 202 7             1     0.6162616         7     1.394             2
#> 203 3             1     0.6017653         3     1.305             1
#> 204 3             1     0.6002652         3     1.595             3
#> 205 1             1     0.5991599         1     1.509             2
#> 206 1             1     0.5923300         1     1.204             3
#> 207 5             1     0.5903628         5     1.510             1
#> 208 7             1     0.5890123         7     1.408             3
#> 209 4             1     0.5816717         4     1.360             3
#> 210 1             1     0.5653125         1     1.612             1

We can also check directly what would happen with only 4 neurons (and 7 neighbors), as suggested by the table above.

knn_nntrf <- cpo_nntrf() %>>% makeLearner("classif.fnn")

knn_nntrf <- setHyperPars(knn_nntrf, nntrfCPO.repetitions=2, nntrfCPO.maxit=100, nntrfCPO.use_sigmoid=FALSE, k=7, nntrfCPO.size=4)

# Please, note that in order to save time, results have been precomputed
if(file.exists("../inst/error_knn_nntrf.rda")){load("../inst/error_knn_nntrf.rda")} else {
error_knn_nntrf <- resample(knn_nntrf, doughnut_task, outer_inst, measures = list(acc), 
                   =  FALSE)
#save(error_knn_nntrf, file="error_knn_nntrf.rda")
# First, the three evaluations of the outer 3-fold crossvalidation, one per fold:
#>   iter       acc
#> 1    1 0.9636964
#> 2    2 0.9565087
#> 3    3 0.9477948
# Second, their average
#> acc.test.mean 
#>     0.9559999

nntrf Hyper-parameter Tuning with repetitions=5

Despite knowing that 2 neurons is enough to solve this problem, hyper-parameter tuning in the previous section always selected between 5 and 6 neurons. In order to check whether the reason is that the neural network training gets stuck in local minima, the piece of code below uses repetitions = 5. It will not be run here because it takes long, but indeed, results show that the number of neurons can be reduced to 4-5 and accuracy increases up to 0.9773002.

Hyper-parameter tuning with PCA

In order to compare a supervised transformation method (nntrf) with an unsupervised one (PCA), it is very easy to do exactly the same pre-processing with PCA. In this case, the main hyper-paramaters are k (number of KNN neighbors) and Pca.rank (the number of PCA components to be used, which would be the counterpart of size, the number of hidden neurons used by nntrf).

knn_pca <- cpoPca(center=TRUE, scale=TRUE, export=c("rank")) %>>% knn_lrn

ps_pca <- makeParamSet(makeDiscreteParam("k", values = 1:7),
                       makeDiscreteParam("pca.rank", values = 1:10)

knn_pca_tune <- makeTuneWrapper(knn_pca, resampling = inner_desc, par.set = ps_pca, 
                                     control = control_grid, measures = list(acc), = FALSE)
# Please, note that in order to save time, results have been precomputed
if(file.exists("../inst/error_knn_pca_tune.rda")){load("../inst/error_knn_pca_tune.rda")} else {
error_knn_pca_tune <- resample(knn_pca_tune, doughnut_task, outer_inst, 
                               measures = list(acc), 
                               extract = getTuneResult, =  FALSE)
# save(error_knn_pca_tune, file="error_knn_pca_tune.rda")

It can be seen below that while nntrf is able to get an accuracy higher than 0.95, PCA only gets to nearly 0.65. Also the number of components required by PCA is the maximum allowed (pca.rank=10)

#> [[1]]
#> Tune result:
#> Op. pars: k=2; pca.rank=10
#> acc.test.mean=0.6424198
#> [[2]]
#> Tune result:
#> Op. pars: k=6; pca.rank=10
#> acc.test.mean=0.6461146
#> [[3]]
#> Tune result:
#> Op. pars: k=2; pca.rank=10
#> acc.test.mean=0.6331176
#> acc.test.mean 
#>     0.6495998
results_hyper <- generateHyperParsEffectData(error_knn_pca_tune)
arrange(results_hyper$data, -acc.test.mean)
#>     k pca.rank acc.test.mean iteration exec.time nested_cv_run
#> 1   6       10     0.6461146        69     1.719             2
#> 2   4       10     0.6447645        67     1.567             2
#> 3   2       10     0.6424198        65     1.432             1
#> 4   6       10     0.6404687        69     1.627             1
#> 5   7       10     0.6372637        70     1.780             2
#> 6   4       10     0.6349195        67     1.766             1
#> 7   5       10     0.6347135        68     1.678             2
#> 8   2       10     0.6331176        65     1.471             3
#> 9   2       10     0.6329133        65     1.442             2
#> 10  4        9     0.6304186        60     1.396             1
#> 11  6        9     0.6297630        62     1.692             2
#> 12  2        9     0.6292181        58     1.294             1
#> 13  6        9     0.6283196        62     1.531             3
#> 14  4       10     0.6281674        67     1.735             3
#> 15  4        9     0.6273627        60     1.491             2
#> 16  2        9     0.6269127        58     1.347             2
#> 17  7       10     0.6266690        70     1.711             1
#> 18  2        9     0.6265190        58     1.276             3
#> 19  6        9     0.6262186        62     1.493             1
#> 20  6       10     0.6256181        69     1.691             3
#> 21  4        9     0.6247200        60     1.434             3
#> 22  6        8     0.6240624        55     1.389             2
#> 23  2        7     0.6237624        44     1.133             2
#> 24  5       10     0.6227691        68     1.572             1
#> 25  4        8     0.6227123        53     1.306             2
#> 26  2        8     0.6225623        51     1.202             2
#> 27  7        9     0.6216622        63     1.574             2
#> 28  4        7     0.6212121        46     1.193             2
#> 29  3       10     0.6189619        66     1.556             2
#> 30  4        8     0.6167696        53     1.314             1
#> 31  7        9     0.6160215        63     1.569             3
#> 32  5        9     0.6155707        61     1.503             3
#> 33  5        9     0.6149693        61     1.451             1
#> 34  5        9     0.6143114        61     1.532             2
#> 35  2        7     0.6142199        44     1.139             1
#> 36  6        7     0.6140114        48     1.273             2
#> 37  7        8     0.6140114        56     1.393             2
#> 38  7        9     0.6137681        63     1.523             1
#> 39  6        7     0.6134711        48     1.214             3
#> 40  4        8     0.6125720        53     1.342             3
#> 41  3       10     0.6124196        66     1.544             1
#> 42  6        8     0.6116674        55     1.404             1
#> 43  6        8     0.6113716        55     1.362             3
#> 44  4        7     0.6113684        46     1.215             1
#> 45  2        8     0.6109207        51     1.227             1
#> 46  6        4     0.6108611        27     1.016             2
#> 47  2        6     0.6103219        37     1.050             1
#> 48  3        9     0.6100214        59     1.378             3
#> 49  2        8     0.6098714        51     1.220             3
#> 50  6        6     0.6098110        41     1.106             2
#> 51  5       10     0.6097188        68     1.683             3
#> 52  4        4     0.6086109        25     1.003             2
#> 53  4        6     0.6086109        39     1.042             2
#> 54  3       10     0.6083688        66     1.561             3
#> 55  2        6     0.6078608        37     1.045             2
#> 56  7        8     0.6076232        56     1.442             3
#> 57  1       10     0.6074107        64     1.297             2
#> 58  7       10     0.6070193        70     1.740             3
#> 59  3        9     0.6059680        59     1.375             1
#> 60  6        7     0.6058203        48     1.211             1
#> 61  4        7     0.6050716        46     1.153             3
#> 62  2        5     0.6047105        30     1.011             2
#> 63  3        9     0.6047105        59     1.459             2
#> 64  5        7     0.6044104        47     1.245             2
#> 65  5        8     0.6039604        54     1.371             2
#> 66  1       10     0.6020725        64     1.281             1
#> 67  4        3     0.6017102        18     1.000             2
#> 68  4        2     0.6014101        11     1.026             2
#> 69  2        7     0.6013218        44     1.271             3
#> 70  7        7     0.6006601        49     1.396             2
#> 71  2        3     0.6002100        16     1.001             2
#> 72  4        5     0.6000600        32     1.019             2
#> 73  2        4     0.5999100        23     1.018             2
#> 74  2        1     0.5985599         2     0.968             2
#> 75  5        8     0.5983232        54     1.370             3
#> 76  6        5     0.5981098        34     1.031             2
#> 77  6        6     0.5971213        41     1.135             1
#> 78  2        6     0.5971192        37     1.062             3
#> 79  6        3     0.5970597        20     1.045             2
#> 80  2        4     0.5969712        23     0.986             1
#> 81  4        6     0.5963709        39     1.100             1
#> 82  6        2     0.5963096        13     0.953             2
#> 83  4        4     0.5962211        25     1.009             1
#> 84  7        8     0.5962176        56     1.424             1
#> 85  2        5     0.5960719        30     0.986             1
#> 86  2        2     0.5956235         9     1.005             1
#> 87  5        8     0.5954682        54     1.347             1
#> 88  7        7     0.5953230        49     1.280             3
#> 89  1       10     0.5953201        64     1.309             3
#> 90  6        5     0.5953186        34     1.054             3
#> 91  7        6     0.5945095        42     1.119             2
#> 92  2        3     0.5944220        16     1.015             1
#> 93  2        2     0.5943594         9     0.982             2
#> 94  4        3     0.5942712        18     1.035             1
#> 95  7        7     0.5942710        49     1.230             1
#> 96  3        7     0.5940594        45     1.176             2
#> 97  1        9     0.5939724        57     1.375             3
#> 98  6        1     0.5931593         6     0.989             2
#> 99  6        4     0.5927720        27     1.035             1
#> 100 1        9     0.5927695        57     1.355             1
#> 101 2        1     0.5923210         2     0.992             3
#> 102 2        5     0.5923191        30     1.042             3
#> 103 6        3     0.5923177        20     0.954             3
#> 104 3        8     0.5919592        52     1.243             2
#> 105 6        2     0.5918721        13     1.026             1
#> 106 4        2     0.5915730        11     1.000             1
#> 107 4        6     0.5912692        39     1.071             3
#> 108 4        5     0.5906724        32     1.071             1
#> 109 6        3     0.5905204        20     1.045             1
#> 110 6        5     0.5900734        34     1.029             1
#> 111 4        5     0.5900684        32     1.023             3
#> 112 4        1     0.5895590         4     1.053             2
#> 113 3        8     0.5890225        52     1.284             3
#> 114 6        6     0.5890196        41     1.136             3
#> 115 2        3     0.5879676        16     1.019             3
#> 116 5        7     0.5876737        47     1.200             3
#> 117 2        4     0.5875195        23     1.001             3
#> 118 1        9     0.5874587        57     1.210             2
#> 119 5        7     0.5873707        47     1.355             1
#> 120 4        4     0.5872189        25     1.025             3
#> 121 6        4     0.5869202        27     1.060             3
#> 122 5        6     0.5856586        40     1.064             2
#> 123 2        2     0.5855698         9     0.987             3
#> 124 4        1     0.5849739         4     1.001             3
#> 125 3        6     0.5847585        38     1.038             2
#> 126 7        3     0.5844584        21     1.031             2
#> 127 6        1     0.5839230         6     1.041             3
#> 128 3        8     0.5834685        52     1.247             1
#> 129 7        5     0.5831083        35     1.047             2
#> 130 3        7     0.5830188        45     1.150             1
#> 131 4        3     0.5824185        18     1.280             3
#> 132 2        1     0.5822719         2     0.974             1
#> 133 1        7     0.5822082        43     1.057             2
#> 134 7        4     0.5819082        28     1.052             2
#> 135 6        1     0.5810719         6     1.016             1
#> 136 1        8     0.5807081        50     1.100             2
#> 137 3        6     0.5789731        38     1.084             1
#> 138 6        2     0.5786704        13     1.025             3
#> 139 5        4     0.5774077        26     1.010             2
#> 140 5        3     0.5772577        19     1.006             2
#> 141 7        6     0.5767229        42     1.161             1
#> 142 5        5     0.5762076        33     1.087             2
#> 143 7        5     0.5759732        35     1.053             1
#> 144 4        1     0.5758220         4     0.995             1
#> 145 1        8     0.5753683        50     1.070             1
#> 146 4        2     0.5752205        11     1.014             3
#> 147 5        6     0.5750723        40     1.105             1
#> 148 3        7     0.5744736        45     1.121             3
#> 149 7        2     0.5744074        14     0.977             2
#> 150 5        5     0.5743240        33     1.227             1
#> 151 5        6     0.5737204        40     1.105             3
#> 152 1        7     0.5732712        43     1.069             1
#> 153 7        6     0.5728205        42     1.175             3
#> 154 1        8     0.5725228        50     1.131             3
#> 155 7        1     0.5714071         7     1.035             2
#> 156 7        4     0.5713224        28     1.040             1
#> 157 1        7     0.5701239        43     1.084             3
#> 158 3        4     0.5697570        24     1.142             2
#> 159 7        2     0.5696729        14     1.023             1
#> 160 7        5     0.5695202        35     1.056             3
#> 161 1        6     0.5675738        36     1.005             1
#> 162 3        5     0.5675068        31     1.005             2
#> 163 3        5     0.5672736        31     1.100             1
#> 164 7        3     0.5672691        21     0.963             3
#> 165 5        4     0.5665227        26     1.047             1
#> 166 3        3     0.5664566        17     0.950             2
#> 167 7        3     0.5659216        21     1.159             1
#> 168 5        1     0.5651065         5     0.981             2
#> 169 5        2     0.5648065        12     1.145             2
#> 170 5        5     0.5645699        33     1.050             3
#> 171 7        1     0.5627739         7     1.027             3
#> 172 5        4     0.5624724        26     1.025             3
#> 173 5        2     0.5615754        12     1.004             1
#> 174 3        4     0.5615726        24     1.004             1
#> 175 7        4     0.5615724        28     1.058             3
#> 176 5        3     0.5614230        19     1.037             1
#> 177 5        3     0.5612693        19     0.931             3
#> 178 3        6     0.5611197        38     1.092             3
#> 179 1        5     0.5600738        29     1.020             1
#> 180 1        6     0.5591059        36     1.165             2
#> 181 1        6     0.5572229        36     1.041             3
#> 182 5        1     0.5567748         5     1.010             3
#> 183 7        1     0.5560224         7     1.019             1
#> 184 3        2     0.5541554        10     0.975             2
#> 185 3        3     0.5537751        17     1.050             1
#> 186 3        5     0.5521217        31     1.229             3
#> 187 1        5     0.5520552        29     0.986             2
#> 188 3        2     0.5518253        10     0.991             1
#> 189 1        3     0.5502550        15     0.949             2
#> 190 3        1     0.5490549         3     0.981             2
#> 191 1        4     0.5489049        22     0.992             2
#> 192 7        2     0.5488221        14     1.057             3
#> 193 3        3     0.5470205        17     1.014             3
#> 194 3        4     0.5467218        24     1.010             3
#> 195 5        1     0.5461222         5     1.012             1
#> 196 1        2     0.5458225         8     0.957             3
#> 197 3        1     0.5455244         3     1.006             3
#> 198 1        5     0.5453742        29     1.010             3
#> 199 1        4     0.5453727        22     0.957             1
#> 200 1        1     0.5436544         1     0.965             2
#> 201 5        2     0.5423724        12     1.022             3
#> 202 3        2     0.5408720        10     0.983             3
#> 203 1        3     0.5392255        15     0.993             1
#> 204 1        2     0.5371241         8     0.960             1
#> 205 1        3     0.5359227        15     0.991             3
#> 206 1        2     0.5358536         8     0.926             2
#> 207 1        4     0.5357725        22     0.916             3
#> 208 3        1     0.5350234         3     1.196             1
#> 209 1        1     0.5239238         1     1.171             3
#> 210 1        1     0.5210758         1     0.932             1

Hyper-parameter tuning with just KNN

For completeness sake, below are the results with just KNN (similar to the ones with PCA):

ps_knn <- makeParamSet(makeDiscreteParam("k", values = 1:7))

knn_tune <- makeTuneWrapper(knn_lrn, resampling = inner_desc, par.set = ps_knn, 
                                     control = control_grid, measures = list(acc), = FALSE)

# Please, note that in order to save time, results have been precomputed
if(file.exists("../inst/error_knn_tune.rda")){load("../inst/error_knn_tune.rda")} else {
error_knn_tune <- resample(knn_tune, doughnut_task, outer_inst, measures = list(acc), 
                           extract = getTuneResult, =  FALSE)
#save(error_knn_tune, file="error_knn_tune.rda")
#> [[1]]
#> Tune result:
#> Op. pars: k=2
#> acc.test.mean=0.6403202
#> [[2]]
#> Tune result:
#> Op. pars: k=4
#> acc.test.mean=0.6401140
#> [[3]]
#> Tune result:
#> Op. pars: k=2
#> acc.test.mean=0.6316178
#> acc.test.mean 
#>     0.6461999
results_hyper <- generateHyperParsEffectData(error_knn_tune)
arrange(results_hyper$data, -acc.test.mean)
#>    k acc.test.mean iteration exec.time nested_cv_run
#> 1  2     0.6403202         2     1.196             1
#> 2  4     0.6401140         4     1.361             2
#> 3  6     0.6398140         6     1.484             2
#> 4  4     0.6367190         4     1.386             1
#> 5  6     0.6356693         6     1.640             1
#> 6  7     0.6345635         7     1.522             2
#> 7  2     0.6316178         2     1.221             3
#> 8  5     0.6288629         5     1.411             2
#> 9  2     0.6285629         2     1.203             2
#> 10 4     0.6251686         4     1.396             3
#> 11 6     0.6203678         6     1.613             3
#> 12 7     0.6172198         7     1.505             1
#> 13 5     0.6151193         5     1.443             1
#> 14 3     0.6143114         3     1.311             2
#> 15 3     0.6112194         3     1.309             1
#> 16 7     0.6059692         7     1.484             3
#> 17 5     0.6041693         5     1.456             3
#> 18 3     0.6029689         3     1.315             3
#> 19 1     0.6019222         1     1.058             1
#> 20 1     0.5996100         1     1.389             2
#> 21 1     0.5942708         1     1.098             3

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nntrf documentation built on Feb. 26, 2021, 5:08 p.m.