summary.NOSM: Summarising the results of the five main NOSM functions

View source: R/class_function_summary.R

summary.NOSMR Documentation

Summarising the results of the five main NOSM functions


S3 method for class 'NOSM'. summary.NOSM creates summary statistics for objects of class NOSM. The exact summary statistics computed depends on the 'Type' attribute (e.g. 'bip') of the NOSM object (see below). The summary method generates more useful information for the user than the standard NOSM functions. Another S3 method (print.summary.NOSM; not documented) is used to print the output.


## S3 method for class 'NOSM'
summary(object, ..., y = 3)



An object of class 'NOSM'.


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


(default of 3) The adjustment value for the computation of the z value (see Strona & Veech, 2015).


Returns object of class 'summary.NOSM' with a Type attribute (e.g. 'bip') which is inherited. For NOSM objects of Type 'Pot_dir', 'bip' or 'Dir', the summary.NOSM method returns the mean of the overlap values for the "in nodes" (NOS_In), the mean of the overlap values for the "out nodes" (NOS_Out), the mean of Nos In and Nos Out (NOS), the standard deviation of the overlap values for the "in nodes" (MOD_In), the SD of the overlap values for the "out nodes" (MOD_Out), and the SD of the combined set of overlap values (MOD; network modularity).

For NOSM objects of Type 'Dir' and 'Undir', the summary.NOSM method returns just the NOS and MOD values (network modularity).

For all types of NOSM object, the z value and associated p value are also provided (see Strona & Veech, 2015).


Strona, G. & Veech, J. A. (2015). A new measure of ecological network structure based on node overlap and segregation. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 6(8), 907-915.

See Also

NOSM_bip, NOSM_POT_dir, NOSM_POT_undir, NOSM_dir, NOSM_undir


z <- boreal[sample(rownames(boreal), 200, FALSE),] #subset for speed
x <- NOSM_bip(z, perc = 1, sl = 1)
summary(x, y = 3)

nos documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:54 a.m.