
Defines functions notebookutils.lakehouse.getWithProperties notebookutils.lakehouse.loadTable notebookutils.lakehouse.listTables notebookutils.lakehouse.updateDefinition notebookutils.lakehouse.getDefinition mssparkutils.lakehouse.update notebookutils.lakehouse.update mssparkutils.lakehouse.list notebookutils.lakehouse.list mssparkutils.lakehouse.delete notebookutils.lakehouse.delete mssparkutils.lakehouse.get notebookutils.lakehouse.get mssparkutils.lakehouse.create notebookutils.lakehouse.create

Documented in mssparkutils.lakehouse.create mssparkutils.lakehouse.delete mssparkutils.lakehouse.get mssparkutils.lakehouse.list mssparkutils.lakehouse.update notebookutils.lakehouse.create notebookutils.lakehouse.delete notebookutils.lakehouse.get notebookutils.lakehouse.getDefinition notebookutils.lakehouse.getWithProperties notebookutils.lakehouse.list notebookutils.lakehouse.listTables notebookutils.lakehouse.loadTable notebookutils.lakehouse.update notebookutils.lakehouse.updateDefinition

#' lakehouse.R: Utility for CRUD operations on lakehouse
#' @noRd
.dummyStr <- ""

#' @noRd
.dummyBool <- FALSE

#' Create a lakehouse
#' @param name Name of the lakehouse
#' @param description Description of the lakehouse
#' @param definition Definition of the lakehouse
#' @param workspaceId Workspace id of the lakehouse, default to current workspace
#' @return A lakehouse object
#' @export
notebookutils.lakehouse.create <- function(name, description="", definition="", workspaceId="") {
#' Create a lakehouse
#' @param name Name of the lakehouse
#' @param description Description of the lakehouse
#' @param definition Definition of the lakehouse
#' @param workspaceId Workspace id of the lakehouse, default to current workspace
#' @return A lakehouse object
#' @export
mssparkutils.lakehouse.create <- function(name, description="", definition="", workspaceId="") {
#' Get a lakehouse
#' @param name Name of the lakehouse
#' @param workspaceId Workspace id of the lakehouse, default to current workspace
#' @return A lakehouse object
#' @export
notebookutils.lakehouse.get <- function(name="", workspaceId="") {
#' Get a lakehouse
#' @param name Name of the lakehouse
#' @param workspaceId Workspace id of the lakehouse, default to current workspace
#' @return A lakehouse object
#' @export
mssparkutils.lakehouse.get <- function(name="", workspaceId="") {

#' Delete a lakehouse
#' @param name Name of the lakehouse
#' @param workspaceId Workspace id of the lakehouse, default to current workspace
#' @export
notebookutils.lakehouse.delete <- function(name, workspaceId="") {
#' Delete a lakehouse
#' @param name Name of the lakehouse
#' @param workspaceId Workspace id of the lakehouse, default to current workspace
#' @export
mssparkutils.lakehouse.delete <- function(name, workspaceId="") {

#' List all lakehouses
#' @param workspaceId Workspace id of the lakehouse, default to current workspace
#' @param maxResults Maximum number of lakehouses to return, default to 1000
#' @return A list of lakehouse objects
#' @export
notebookutils.lakehouse.list <- function(workspaceId="", maxResults=1000L) {
#' List all lakehouses
#' @param workspaceId Workspace id of the lakehouse, default to current workspace
#' @param maxResults Maximum number of lakehouses to return, default to 1000
#' @return A list of lakehouse objects
#' @export
mssparkutils.lakehouse.list <- function(workspaceId="", maxResults=1000L) {

#' Update a lakehouse
#' @param name Name of the lakehouse
#' @param newName New name of the lakehouse
#' @param description Description of the lakehouse
#' @param workspaceId Workspace id of the lakehouse, default to current workspace
#' @return A lakehouse object
#' @export
notebookutils.lakehouse.update <- function(name, newName, description="", workspaceId="") {
#' Update a lakehouse
#' @param name Name of the lakehouse
#' @param newName New name of the lakehouse
#' @param description Description of the lakehouse
#' @param workspaceId Workspace id of the lakehouse, default to current workspace
#' @return A lakehouse object
#' @export
mssparkutils.lakehouse.update <- function(name, newName, description="", workspaceId="") {

#' The lakehouse module.
#' notebookutils.lakehouse.create(name: String, description: String, workspaceId: String): Lakehouse -> Create a lakehouse
#' notebookutils.lakehouse.get(name: String, workspaceId: String): Lakehouse -> Get a lakehouse
#' notebookutils.lakehouse.delete(name: String, workspaceId: String): void -> Delete a lakehouse
#' notebookutils.lakehouse.update(name: String, newName: String, description: String, workspaceId: String): Lakehouse -> Update a lakehouse
#' @param methodName method name to get more information
#' @export
notebookutils.lakehouse.help <- function (methodName = "") {
#' The lakehouse module.
#' mssparkutils.lakehouse.create(name: String, description: String, workspaceId: String): Lakehouse -> Create a lakehouse
#' mssparkutils.lakehouse.get(name: String, workspaceId: String): Lakehouse -> Get a lakehouse
#' mssparkutils.lakehouse.delete(name: String, workspaceId: String): void -> Delete a lakehouse
#' mssparkutils.lakehouse.update(name: String, newName: String, description: String, workspaceId: String): Lakehouse -> Update a lakehouse
#' @param methodName method name to get more information
#' @export
mssparkutils.lakehouse.help <- function (methodName = "") {

#' Get the definition of a lakehouse
#' @param name Name of the lakehouse
#' @param workspaceId Workspace id of the lakehouse, default to current workspace
#' @return The definition of the lakehouse
#' @export
notebookutils.lakehouse.getDefinition <- function(name, workspaceId="") {

#' Get the definition of a lakehouse
#' @param name Name of the lakehouse
#' @param definition Definition of the lakehouse
#' @param workspaceId Workspace id of the lakehouse, default to current workspace
#' @return The definition of the lakehouse
#' @export
notebookutils.lakehouse.updateDefinition <- function(name, definition, workspaceId="") {

#' List all tables in a Lakehouse.
#' @param lakehouse Name of the lakehouse
#' @param workspaceId Workspace id of the lakehouse, default to current workspace
#' @param maxResults Maximum number of tables to return, default to 1000
#' @return A list of table objects
#' @export
notebookutils.lakehouse.listTables <- function(lakehouse="", workspaceId="", maxResults=1000L) {

#' Starts a load table operation.
#' @param loadOption string, loadOption Load options. Please refer to
#' https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/fabric/lakehouse/tables/load-table
#' @param table Name of the table
#' @param lakehouse Name of the lakehouse
#' @param workspaceId Workspace id of the lakehouse, default to current workspace
#' @return boolean
#' @export
notebookutils.lakehouse.loadTable <- function(loadOption, table, lakehouse="", workspaceId="") {

#' Get the info of a Lakehouse with properties.
#' @param name Name of the Lakehouse.
#' @param workspaceId Id of the workspace, default to current workspace.
#' @return Artifact object.
#' Please refer to: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/fabric
#' /articles/item-management/properties/lakehouse-properties
#' @export
notebookutils.lakehouse.getWithProperties <- function(name, workspaceId="") {

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notebookutils documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:08 p.m.