Man pages for npmlreg
Nonparametric Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Random Effect Models

alldistNPML estimation or Gaussian quadrature for overdispersed...
dkernAitchison-Aitken kernel
fabricThe Fabric Data
family.glmmNPMLMethods for objects of class glmmNPML or glmmGQ
gqzGauss-Hermite integration points
hospThe Pennsylvanian Hospital Stay Data
irlsuicideIrish Suicide Data
missouriMissouri lung cancer data
npmlreg-internalInternal npmlreg functions
npmlreg.packageNonparametric maximum likelihood estimation for random effect...
plot.glmmNPMLPlot Diagnostics for objects of class glmmNPML or glmmGQ
postPosterior probabilities/intercepts, and mass point...
predict.glmmNPMLPrediction from objects of class glmmNPML or glmmGQ
rainfallRainfall data
summary.glmmNPMLSummarizing finite mixture regression fits
tolfindGrid search over tol for NPML estimation of (generalized)...
npmlreg documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:31 a.m.