Man pages for nsgp
Non-Stationary Gaussian Process Regression

gpr1samplePerform one-sample GP regression
gpr2samplePerforms two-sample GP regression
gpr_posteriorGPR posterior
gpsimplegpsimple object, a simple Gaussian Process container with...
nsgpGaussian process regression and statistical testing
plot.gpPlot a gaussian process
plot.gppackPlots several GP's simultaneously
plot.gpsimplePlot a simple gaussian process
print.gpprints the one-sample GP summary
print.gppackprints the two-sample GP summary
print.gpsimpleprints the gpsimple object
simulategpGenerate simulated GP models
simulategp.perturbedGenerate simulated perturbed GP models
summary.gpprints the one-sample GP summary
summary.gppackprints the two-sample GP summary
summary.gpsimpleprintss the gpsimple object
toydataToy time-series data for testing, contains two time-series,...
toygpsToy time-series model for testing
nsgp documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:19 a.m.