Man pages for ntwk
Statistical Inference for Network Time Series

augmented_diagReturns an offset diagonal matrix.
bm_compound_poissonGenerates a (correlated) Brownian motion path with correlated...
bm_compound_poisson_ghypGenerates a (correlated) Brownian motion path with correlated...
check_thetasChecks that '|theta_1| <= theta_2'.
clean_dataClean data using STL / Loess function.
concatenate_colConcatenate 'col_vec' columnwise 'n' times
construct_pathGenerates a single Graph Ornstein-Uhlenbeck path with the...
core_node_mleComputes the MLE numerator and denominator of a batch of data
correlated_brownian_noiseGenerates multidimensional correlated Brownian motion...
data_filteringFilters the data above the thresholds (set to zero)....
fasen_regressionFasen's multivariate OU least squares regression doi:...
fit_bm_compound_poissonFit Brownian motion mixture with Gaussian jumps.
fit_ghyp_diffusionFit a Generalised Hyperbolic distribution.
fully_connected_networkFully-connected graph.
grad_likelihood_fnGradient of the GrOU likelihood function with penalty.
grou_mleComputes the GrOUs MLE of a batch of data
grou_regularisationRegularisation schemes for the GrOU process that implements a...
isolated_networkCreates adjacency matrix with max degree zero.
lattice_networkLattice/grid-like network with max degree of four across all...
levy_recoveryApply the Levy recovery on data with (fitted)...
likelihood_fnLikelihood function for the GrOU process with penalty.
make_node_mleConstructs the MLE from its components
node_mle_componentsReturns the components (i.e. numerator and denominator) of...
node_mle_longConstructs the Node MLE with jump thresholding
polymer_networkCreates adjacency matrix with min degree one and max degree...
row_normalisedNormalise a square matrix by dividing elements by the sum of...
ntwk documentation built on Sept. 13, 2021, 9:07 a.m.