Man pages for oaPlots
OpenAnalytics Plots Package

addLegendFunction for adding a legend to an existing device
blankPlotCreate a Blank Plot
colorPolyFunction for plotting a colored polygon as part of a density...
customRoundCustom rounding function to round to the nearest specified...
densityLegendCreate a colored density legend for visually representing the...
drawSplitDensityDraw a Split Density Plot
findLocationsReturns a Vector of x Locations
getBreaksDivide the range of x into intervals, returning the...
oaTemplateCreate a OA Plot Template
oaThemeApply OA ggplot2 theme
plotBarsA function for creating the segmented color bars in a density...
plotDensityTraceFunction for plotting the density trace outline in a density...
plotDotsAdds Points on a Pre-existing Plot using Shifted Locations
plotPolygonRegionsFunction to plot all colored density regions of a density...
pointsOnBoxplotGeneric pointsOnBoxplot function. Calls...
pointsOnBoxplot.defaultDraw Points on Top of a Boxplot using Appropriate Shifting
pointsOnBoxplot.formulaDraw Points on Top of a Boxplot using Appropriate Shifting
prepLegendFunction for arranging plotting layout to accomodate a legend...
scatterplotDLPlot a base-graphics scatterplot with accompanying density...
splitCircleFunction for drawing a split circle (two differently colored...
splitColorVarFunction to take a numeric vector 'colorVar' and palette...
oaPlots documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:46 a.m.