Man pages for odns
Access Scottish Health and Social Care Open Data

all_packagesDetails packages available from <>.
all_resourcesProvides an overview of all resources available from...
cap_urlProduces error if input exceeds 2000 characters.
detect_errorDetects http errors and provides enhanced details.
get_dataGet data from a resource.
get_resourceGet one or more resources or all resources within a package.
nrow_resourceGet the number of rows present in a resource.
package_metadataGet metadata for a package.
prep_nosql_queryPrepare an API query without SQL.
prep_sql_queryPrepare an API query with SQL.
resource_data_itemsGet a table of available fields and their types for a...
resource_metadataGet metadata for a resource.
valid_idBasic check of whether the characters in a string is equal to...
odns documentation built on Nov. 10, 2022, 5:56 p.m.