Man pages for odr
Optimal Design and Statistical Power for Experimental Studies Investigating Main, Mediation, and Moderation Effects optimal design parameters using ant colony...
od.1Optimal sample allocation calculation for single-level...
od.1.111Optimal sample allocation calculation for single-level...
od.2Optimal sample allocation calculation for two-level CRTs...
od.2.221Optimal sample allocation calculation for two-level CRTs...
od.2mOptimal sample allocation calculation for two-level MRTs...
od.2m.111Optimal sample allocation calculation for two-level...
od.3Optimal sample allocation calculation for three-level CRTs...
od.3mOptimal sample allocation calculation for three-level MRTs...
od.4Optimal sample allocation calculation for four-level CRTs...
od.4mOptimal sample allocation calculation for four-level MRTs...
odr-packageOptimal Design and Statistical Power for Experimental Studies...
power.1Budget and/or sample size, power, MDES calculation for...
power.1.111Budget and/or sample size, power, MDES calculation for MRTs...
power.2Budget and/or sample size, power, MDES calculation for...
power.2.221Budget and/or sample size, power calculation for CRTs probing...
power.2mBudget and/or sample size, power, MDES calculation for...
power.2m.111Budget and/or sample size, power, MDES calculation for MRTs...
power.3Budget and/or sample size, power, MDES calculation for...
power.3mBudget and/or sample size, power, MDES calculation for...
power.4Budget and/or sample size, power, MDES calculation for...
power.4mBudget and/or sample size, power, MDES calculation for...
reRelative efficiency (RE) calculation
rpeRelative precision and efficiency (RPE) calculation
odr documentation built on Aug. 8, 2023, 5:13 p.m.