body_end_section_continuous: Add continuous section

View source: R/docx_section.R

body_end_section_continuousR Documentation

Add continuous section


Section break starts the new section on the same page. This type of section break is often used to change the number of columns without starting a new page.





an rdocx object

See Also

Other functions for Word sections: body_end_block_section(), body_end_section_columns(), body_end_section_columns_landscape(), body_end_section_landscape(), body_end_section_portrait(), body_set_default_section()


str1 <- "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."
str1 <- rep(str1, 5)
str1 <- paste(str1, collapse = " ")
str2 <- "Aenean venenatis varius elit et fermentum vivamus vehicula."
str2 <- rep(str2, 5)
str2 <- paste(str2, collapse = " ")

doc_1 <- read_docx()
doc_1 <- body_add_par(doc_1, value = "Default section", style = "heading 1")
doc_1 <- body_add_par(doc_1, value = str1, style = "Normal")
doc_1 <- body_add_par(doc_1, value = str2, style = "Normal")
doc_1 <- body_end_section_continuous(doc_1)

print(doc_1, target = tempfile(fileext = ".docx"))

officer documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:49 p.m.