ohsome_metadata: ohsome API metadata

ohsome_metadataR Documentation

ohsome API metadata


Metadata of the ohsome API that is requested on loading the package


An ohsome_metadata object. This is a named list with the attributes date, status_code (of the GET request) and the following list elements:

  • attribution: character; url and text of OSM data copyrights and attribution

  • apiVersion: numeric_version; Version of the ohsome API

  • timeout: numeric; limit of the processing time in seconds

  • extractRegion:

    • spatialExtent: sfc_POLYGON; spatial boundary of the OSM data in the underlying OSHDB

    • temporalExtent: vector of POSIXct; timeframe of the OSM data in the underlying OSHDB data

    • replicationSequenceNumber: numeric; precise state of the OSM data contained in the underlying OSHDB, expressed as the id of the last applied (hourly) diff file from Planet OSM

ohsome documentation built on Aug. 30, 2023, 5:18 p.m.