
output from stepAIC both direction regression is as expected when adding and removing variables

  ols_step_both_aic(model, progress = TRUE)
  Stepwise Selection Method 

  Candidate Terms:

  1. x1 
  2. x2 
  3. x3 
  4. x4 
  5. x5 
  6. x6

  Variables Added/Removed:

  => x6 added 
  => x1 added 
  => x3 added 
  => x2 added 
  => x6 removed 
  => x4 added

  No more variables to be added or removed.

                                   Stepwise Summary                                 
  Step    Variable         AIC          SBC          SBIC         R2       Adj. R2 
   0      Base Model    56988.482    57004.289       228.318    0.00000    0.00000 
   1      x6 (+)        33473.297    33497.007    -23285.069    0.69145    0.69143 
   2      x1 (+)        32931.758    32963.372    -23826.833    0.69972    0.69969 
   3      x3 (+)        31912.722    31952.239    -24845.827    0.71466    0.71462 
   4      x2 (+)        29304.296    29351.717    -27453.243    0.74958    0.74953 
   5      x6 (-)        29302.317    29341.835    -27455.223    0.74958    0.74954 
   6      x4 (+)        29300.814    29348.235    -27456.724    0.74962    0.74957 

  Final Model Output 

                            Model Summary                           
  R                       0.866       RMSE                   0.503 
  R-Squared               0.750       MSE                    0.253 
  Adj. R-Squared          0.750       Coef. Var           6430.859 
  Pred R-Squared          0.749       AIC                29300.814 
  MAE                     0.402       SBC                29348.235 
   RMSE: Root Mean Square Error 
   MSE: Mean Square Error 
   MAE: Mean Absolute Error 
   AIC: Akaike Information Criteria 
   SBC: Schwarz Bayesian Criteria

                   Sum of                                                    
                  Squares           DF    Mean Square        F          Sig. 
  Regression    15163.528            4       3790.882    14966.061    0.0000 
  Residual       5064.705        19995          0.253                        
  Total         20228.233        19999                                       

                                    Parameter Estimates                                   
        model      Beta    Std. Error    Std. Beta      t        Sig      lower    upper 
  (Intercept)    -0.005         0.004                 -1.496    0.135    -0.012    0.002 
           x1     0.255         0.003        0.362    84.140    0.000     0.249    0.261 
           x3     0.253         0.003        0.356    82.604    0.000     0.247    0.259 
           x2     0.249         0.003        0.346    80.544    0.000     0.243    0.255 
           x4    -0.007         0.004       -0.007    -1.872    0.061    -0.014    0.000 
  ols_step_both_aic(model, details = TRUE)
  Stepwise Selection Method 

  Candidate Terms:

  1. x1 
  2. x2 
  3. x3 
  4. x4 
  5. x5 
  6. x6

  Step     => 0 
  Model    => y ~ 1 
  AIC      => 56988.48

  Initiating stepwise selection...

                           Table: Adding New Variables                           
  Predictor    DF       AIC          SBC          SBIC         R2       Adj. R2  
  x1            1    43073.160    43096.870    -13686.868    0.50136     0.50133 
  x2            1    43561.884    43585.595    -13198.216    0.48902     0.48900 
  x3            1    43267.194    43290.904    -13492.863    0.49650     0.49647 
  x4            1    56989.595    57013.305       227.932      4e-05      -1e-05 
  x5            1    56990.439    57014.149       228.776    0.00000      -5e-05 
  x6            1    33473.297    33497.007    -23285.069    0.69145     0.69143 

  Step     => 1 
  Added    => x6 
  Model    => y ~ x6 
  AIC      => 33473.3

                           Table: Adding New Variables                          
  Predictor    DF       AIC          SBC          SBIC         R2       Adj. R2 
  x1            1    32931.758    32963.372    -23826.833    0.69972    0.69969 
  x2            1    33033.295    33064.909    -23725.325    0.69819    0.69816 
  x3            1    32959.771    32991.385    -23798.829    0.69930    0.69927 
  x4            1    33470.717    33502.331    -23288.023    0.69152    0.69149 
  x5            1    33475.275    33506.889    -23283.467    0.69145    0.69142 

  Step     => 2 
  Added    => x1 
  Model    => y ~ x6 + x1 
  AIC      => 32931.76

                       Table: Removing Existing Variables                       
  Predictor    DF       AIC          SBC          SBIC         R2       Adj. R2 
  x6            1    43073.160    43096.870    -13686.868    0.50136    0.50133 
  x1            1    33473.297    33497.007    -23285.069    0.69145    0.69143 

                           Table: Adding New Variables                          
  Predictor    DF       AIC          SBC          SBIC         R2       Adj. R2 
  x2            1    32025.492    32065.010    -24733.099    0.71305    0.71301 
  x3            1    31912.722    31952.239    -24845.827    0.71466    0.71462 
  x4            1    32928.035    32967.552    -23830.887    0.69980    0.69976 
  x5            1    32933.735    32973.252    -23825.189    0.69972    0.69967 

  Step     => 3 
  Added    => x3 
  Model    => y ~ x6 + x1 + x3 
  AIC      => 31912.72

                       Table: Removing Existing Variables                       
  Predictor    DF       AIC          SBC          SBIC         R2       Adj. R2 
  x6            1    34923.269    34954.883    -21835.862    0.66828    0.66825 
  x1            1    32959.771    32991.385    -23798.829    0.69930    0.69927 
  x3            1    32931.758    32963.372    -23826.833    0.69972    0.69969 

                           Table: Adding New Variables                          
  Predictor    DF       AIC          SBC          SBIC         R2       Adj. R2 
  x2            1    29304.296    29351.717    -27453.243    0.74958    0.74953 
  x4            1    31908.533    31955.954    -24850.258    0.71475    0.71470 
  x5            1    31914.523    31961.944    -24844.270    0.71467    0.71461 

  Step     => 4 
  Added    => x2 
  Model    => y ~ x6 + x1 + x3 + x2 
  AIC      => 29304.3

                       Table: Removing Existing Variables                       
  Predictor    DF       AIC          SBC          SBIC         R2       Adj. R2 
  x6            1    29302.317    29341.835    -27455.223    0.74958    0.74954 
  x1            1    32080.424    32119.941    -24678.188    0.71226    0.71222 
  x3            1    32025.492    32065.010    -24733.099    0.71305    0.71301 
  x2            1    31912.722    31952.239    -24845.827    0.71466    0.71462 

  Step     => 5 
  Removed  => x6 
  Model    => y ~ x1 + x3 + x2 
  AIC      => 29302.32

                           Table: Adding New Variables                          
  Predictor    DF       AIC          SBC          SBIC         R2       Adj. R2 
  x4            1    29300.814    29348.235    -27456.724    0.74962    0.74957 
  x5            1    29304.253    29351.673    -27453.287    0.74958    0.74953 

  Step     => 6 
  Added    => x4 
  Model    => y ~ x1 + x3 + x2 + x4 
  AIC      => 29300.81

                       Table: Removing Existing Variables                       
  Predictor    DF       AIC          SBC          SBIC         R2       Adj. R2 
  x1            1    35361.098    35400.615    -21398.670    0.66097    0.66092 
  x3            1    35170.915    35210.432    -21588.789    0.66418    0.66413 
  x2            1    34918.668    34958.185    -21840.951    0.66839    0.66834 
  x4            1    29302.317    29341.835    -27455.223    0.74958    0.74954 

                           Table: Adding New Variables                          
  Predictor    DF       AIC          SBC          SBIC         R2       Adj. R2 
  x5            1    29302.751    29358.075    -27454.786    0.74962    0.74956 

  No more variables to be added or removed.

  Variables Selected:

  => x1 
  => x3 
  => x2 
  => x4

                                   Stepwise Summary                                 
  Step    Variable         AIC          SBC          SBIC         R2       Adj. R2 
   0      Base Model    56988.482    57004.289       228.318    0.00000    0.00000 
   1      x6 (+)        33473.297    33497.007    -23285.069    0.69145    0.69143 
   2      x1 (+)        32931.758    32963.372    -23826.833    0.69972    0.69969 
   3      x3 (+)        31912.722    31952.239    -24845.827    0.71466    0.71462 
   4      x2 (+)        29304.296    29351.717    -27453.243    0.74958    0.74953 
   5      x6 (-)        29302.317    29341.835    -27455.223    0.74958    0.74954 
   6      x4 (+)        29300.814    29348.235    -27456.724    0.74962    0.74957 

  Final Model Output 

                            Model Summary                           
  R                       0.866       RMSE                   0.503 
  R-Squared               0.750       MSE                    0.253 
  Adj. R-Squared          0.750       Coef. Var           6430.859 
  Pred R-Squared          0.749       AIC                29300.814 
  MAE                     0.402       SBC                29348.235 
   RMSE: Root Mean Square Error 
   MSE: Mean Square Error 
   MAE: Mean Absolute Error 
   AIC: Akaike Information Criteria 
   SBC: Schwarz Bayesian Criteria

                   Sum of                                                    
                  Squares           DF    Mean Square        F          Sig. 
  Regression    15163.528            4       3790.882    14966.061    0.0000 
  Residual       5064.705        19995          0.253                        
  Total         20228.233        19999                                       

                                    Parameter Estimates                                   
        model      Beta    Std. Error    Std. Beta      t        Sig      lower    upper 
  (Intercept)    -0.005         0.004                 -1.496    0.135    -0.012    0.002 
           x1     0.255         0.003        0.362    84.140    0.000     0.249    0.261 
           x3     0.253         0.003        0.356    82.604    0.000     0.247    0.259 
           x2     0.249         0.003        0.346    80.544    0.000     0.243    0.255 
           x4    -0.007         0.004       -0.007    -1.872    0.061    -0.014    0.000 

output from stepSBC both direction regression is as expected when adding and removing variables

  ols_step_both_sbc(model, progress = TRUE)
  Stepwise Selection Method 

  Candidate Terms:

  1. x1 
  2. x2 
  3. x3 
  4. x4 
  5. x5 
  6. x6

  Variables Added/Removed:

  => x6 added 
  => x1 added 
  => x3 added 
  => x2 added 
  => x6 removed

  No more variables to be added or removed.

                                   Stepwise Summary                                 
  Step    Variable         AIC          SBC          SBIC         R2       Adj. R2 
   0      Base Model    56988.482    57004.289       228.318    0.00000    0.00000 
   1      x6 (+)        33473.297    33497.007    -23285.069    0.69145    0.69143 
   2      x1 (+)        32931.758    32963.372    -23826.833    0.69972    0.69969 
   3      x3 (+)        31912.722    31952.239    -24845.827    0.71466    0.71462 
   4      x2 (+)        29304.296    29351.717    -27453.243    0.74958    0.74953 
   5      x6 (-)        29302.317    29341.835    -27455.223    0.74958    0.74954 

  Final Model Output 

                            Model Summary                           
  R                       0.866       RMSE                   0.503 
  R-Squared               0.750       MSE                    0.253 
  Adj. R-Squared          0.750       Coef. Var           6431.262 
  Pred R-Squared          0.749       AIC                29302.317 
  MAE                     0.402       SBC                29341.835 
   RMSE: Root Mean Square Error 
   MSE: Mean Square Error 
   MAE: Mean Absolute Error 
   AIC: Akaike Information Criteria 
   SBC: Schwarz Bayesian Criteria

                   Sum of                                                    
                  Squares           DF    Mean Square        F          Sig. 
  Regression    15162.641            3       5054.214    19951.084    0.0000 
  Residual       5065.592        19996          0.253                        
  Total         20228.233        19999                                       

                                    Parameter Estimates                                   
        model      Beta    Std. Error    Std. Beta      t        Sig      lower    upper 
  (Intercept)    -0.005         0.004                 -1.503    0.133    -0.012    0.002 
           x1     0.255         0.003        0.362    84.118    0.000     0.249    0.261 
           x3     0.253         0.003        0.356    82.597    0.000     0.247    0.259 
           x2     0.249         0.003        0.347    80.571    0.000     0.243    0.255 
  ols_step_both_sbc(model, details = TRUE)
  Stepwise Selection Method 

  Candidate Terms:

  1. x1 
  2. x2 
  3. x3 
  4. x4 
  5. x5 
  6. x6

  Step     => 0 
  Model    => y ~ 1 
  SBC      => 57004.29

  Initiating stepwise selection...

                           Table: Adding New Variables                           
  Predictor    DF       AIC          SBC          SBIC         R2       Adj. R2  
  x1            1    43073.160    43096.870    -13686.868    0.50136     0.50133 
  x2            1    43561.884    43585.595    -13198.216    0.48902     0.48900 
  x3            1    43267.194    43290.904    -13492.863    0.49650     0.49647 
  x4            1    56989.595    57013.305       227.932      4e-05      -1e-05 
  x5            1    56990.439    57014.149       228.776    0.00000      -5e-05 
  x6            1    33473.297    33497.007    -23285.069    0.69145     0.69143 

  Step     => 1 
  Added    => x6 
  Model    => y ~ x6 
  SBC      => 33497.01

                           Table: Adding New Variables                          
  Predictor    DF       AIC          SBC          SBIC         R2       Adj. R2 
  x1            1    32931.758    32963.372    -23826.833    0.69972    0.69969 
  x2            1    33033.295    33064.909    -23725.325    0.69819    0.69816 
  x3            1    32959.771    32991.385    -23798.829    0.69930    0.69927 
  x4            1    33470.717    33502.331    -23288.023    0.69152    0.69149 
  x5            1    33475.275    33506.889    -23283.467    0.69145    0.69142 

  Step     => 2 
  Added    => x1 
  Model    => y ~ x6 + x1 
  SBC      => 32963.37

                       Table: Removing Existing Variables                       
  Predictor    DF       AIC          SBC          SBIC         R2       Adj. R2 
  x6            1    43073.160    43096.870    -13686.868    0.50136    0.50133 
  x1            1    33473.297    33497.007    -23285.069    0.69145    0.69143 

                           Table: Adding New Variables                          
  Predictor    DF       AIC          SBC          SBIC         R2       Adj. R2 
  x2            1    32025.492    32065.010    -24733.099    0.71305    0.71301 
  x3            1    31912.722    31952.239    -24845.827    0.71466    0.71462 
  x4            1    32928.035    32967.552    -23830.887    0.69980    0.69976 
  x5            1    32933.735    32973.252    -23825.189    0.69972    0.69967 

  Step     => 3 
  Added    => x3 
  Model    => y ~ x6 + x1 + x3 
  SBC      => 31952.24

                       Table: Removing Existing Variables                       
  Predictor    DF       AIC          SBC          SBIC         R2       Adj. R2 
  x6            1    34923.269    34954.883    -21835.862    0.66828    0.66825 
  x1            1    32959.771    32991.385    -23798.829    0.69930    0.69927 
  x3            1    32931.758    32963.372    -23826.833    0.69972    0.69969 

                           Table: Adding New Variables                          
  Predictor    DF       AIC          SBC          SBIC         R2       Adj. R2 
  x2            1    29304.296    29351.717    -27453.243    0.74958    0.74953 
  x4            1    31908.533    31955.954    -24850.258    0.71475    0.71470 
  x5            1    31914.523    31961.944    -24844.270    0.71467    0.71461 

  Step     => 4 
  Added    => x2 
  Model    => y ~ x6 + x1 + x3 + x2 
  SBC      => 29351.72

                       Table: Removing Existing Variables                       
  Predictor    DF       AIC          SBC          SBIC         R2       Adj. R2 
  x6            1    29302.317    29341.835    -27455.223    0.74958    0.74954 
  x1            1    32080.424    32119.941    -24678.188    0.71226    0.71222 
  x3            1    32025.492    32065.010    -24733.099    0.71305    0.71301 
  x2            1    31912.722    31952.239    -24845.827    0.71466    0.71462 

  Step     => 5 
  Removed  => x6 
  Model    => y ~ x1 + x3 + x2 
  SBC      => 29341.83

                           Table: Adding New Variables                          
  Predictor    DF       AIC          SBC          SBIC         R2       Adj. R2 
  x4            1    29300.814    29348.235    -27456.724    0.74962    0.74957 
  x5            1    29304.253    29351.673    -27453.287    0.74958    0.74953 

  No more variables to be added or removed.

  Variables Selected:

  => x1 
  => x3 
  => x2

                                   Stepwise Summary                                 
  Step    Variable         AIC          SBC          SBIC         R2       Adj. R2 
   0      Base Model    56988.482    57004.289       228.318    0.00000    0.00000 
   1      x6 (+)        33473.297    33497.007    -23285.069    0.69145    0.69143 
   2      x1 (+)        32931.758    32963.372    -23826.833    0.69972    0.69969 
   3      x3 (+)        31912.722    31952.239    -24845.827    0.71466    0.71462 
   4      x2 (+)        29304.296    29351.717    -27453.243    0.74958    0.74953 
   5      x6 (-)        29302.317    29341.835    -27455.223    0.74958    0.74954 

  Final Model Output 

                            Model Summary                           
  R                       0.866       RMSE                   0.503 
  R-Squared               0.750       MSE                    0.253 
  Adj. R-Squared          0.750       Coef. Var           6431.262 
  Pred R-Squared          0.749       AIC                29302.317 
  MAE                     0.402       SBC                29341.835 
   RMSE: Root Mean Square Error 
   MSE: Mean Square Error 
   MAE: Mean Absolute Error 
   AIC: Akaike Information Criteria 
   SBC: Schwarz Bayesian Criteria

                   Sum of                                                    
                  Squares           DF    Mean Square        F          Sig. 
  Regression    15162.641            3       5054.214    19951.084    0.0000 
  Residual       5065.592        19996          0.253                        
  Total         20228.233        19999                                       

                                    Parameter Estimates                                   
        model      Beta    Std. Error    Std. Beta      t        Sig      lower    upper 
  (Intercept)    -0.005         0.004                 -1.503    0.133    -0.012    0.002 
           x1     0.255         0.003        0.362    84.118    0.000     0.249    0.261 
           x3     0.253         0.003        0.356    82.597    0.000     0.247    0.259 
           x2     0.249         0.003        0.347    80.571    0.000     0.243    0.255 

output from stepSBIC both direction regression is as expected when adding and removing variables

  ols_step_both_sbic(model, progress = TRUE)
  Stepwise Selection Method 

  Candidate Terms:

  1. x1 
  2. x2 
  3. x3 
  4. x4 
  5. x5 
  6. x6

  Variables Added/Removed:

  => x6 added 
  => x1 added 
  => x3 added 
  => x2 added 
  => x6 removed 
  => x4 added

  No more variables to be added or removed.

                                   Stepwise Summary                                 
  Step    Variable         AIC          SBC          SBIC         R2       Adj. R2 
   0      Base Model    56988.482    57004.289       228.318    0.00000    0.00000 
   1      x6 (+)        33473.297    33497.007    -23285.069    0.69145    0.69143 
   2      x1 (+)        32931.758    32963.372    -23826.833    0.69972    0.69969 
   3      x3 (+)        31912.722    31952.239    -24845.827    0.71466    0.71462 
   4      x2 (+)        29304.296    29351.717    -27453.243    0.74958    0.74953 
   5      x6 (-)        29302.317    29341.835    -27455.223    0.74958    0.74954 
   6      x4 (+)        29300.814    29348.235    -27456.724    0.74962    0.74957 

  Final Model Output 

                            Model Summary                           
  R                       0.866       RMSE                   0.503 
  R-Squared               0.750       MSE                    0.253 
  Adj. R-Squared          0.750       Coef. Var           6430.859 
  Pred R-Squared          0.749       AIC                29300.814 
  MAE                     0.402       SBC                29348.235 
   RMSE: Root Mean Square Error 
   MSE: Mean Square Error 
   MAE: Mean Absolute Error 
   AIC: Akaike Information Criteria 
   SBC: Schwarz Bayesian Criteria

                   Sum of                                                    
                  Squares           DF    Mean Square        F          Sig. 
  Regression    15163.528            4       3790.882    14966.061    0.0000 
  Residual       5064.705        19995          0.253                        
  Total         20228.233        19999                                       

                                    Parameter Estimates                                   
        model      Beta    Std. Error    Std. Beta      t        Sig      lower    upper 
  (Intercept)    -0.005         0.004                 -1.496    0.135    -0.012    0.002 
           x1     0.255         0.003        0.362    84.140    0.000     0.249    0.261 
           x3     0.253         0.003        0.356    82.604    0.000     0.247    0.259 
           x2     0.249         0.003        0.346    80.544    0.000     0.243    0.255 
           x4    -0.007         0.004       -0.007    -1.872    0.061    -0.014    0.000 
  ols_step_both_sbic(model, details = TRUE)
  Stepwise Selection Method 

  Candidate Terms:

  1. x1 
  2. x2 
  3. x3 
  4. x4 
  5. x5 
  6. x6

  Step     => 0 
  Model    => y ~ 1 
  SBIC     => 230.9406

  Initiating stepwise selection...

                           Table: Adding New Variables                           
  Predictor    DF       AIC          SBC          SBIC         R2       Adj. R2  
  x1            1    43073.160    43096.870    -13686.868    0.50136     0.50133 
  x2            1    43561.884    43585.595    -13198.216    0.48902     0.48900 
  x3            1    43267.194    43290.904    -13492.863    0.49650     0.49647 
  x4            1    56989.595    57013.305       227.932      4e-05      -1e-05 
  x5            1    56990.439    57014.149       228.776    0.00000      -5e-05 
  x6            1    33473.297    33497.007    -23285.069    0.69145     0.69143 

  Step     => 1 
  Added    => x6 
  Model    => y ~ x6 
  SBIC     => -23285.07

                           Table: Adding New Variables                          
  Predictor    DF       AIC          SBC          SBIC         R2       Adj. R2 
  x1            1    32931.758    32963.372    -23826.833    0.69972    0.69969 
  x2            1    33033.295    33064.909    -23725.325    0.69819    0.69816 
  x3            1    32959.771    32991.385    -23798.829    0.69930    0.69927 
  x4            1    33470.717    33502.331    -23288.023    0.69152    0.69149 
  x5            1    33475.275    33506.889    -23283.467    0.69145    0.69142 

  Step     => 2 
  Added    => x1 
  Model    => y ~ x6 + x1 
  SBIC     => -23826.83

                       Table: Removing Existing Variables                       
  Predictor    DF       AIC          SBC          SBIC         R2       Adj. R2 
  x6            1    43073.160    43096.870    -13686.868    0.50136    0.50133 
  x1            1    33473.297    33497.007    -23285.069    0.69145    0.69143 

                           Table: Adding New Variables                          
  Predictor    DF       AIC          SBC          SBIC         R2       Adj. R2 
  x2            1    32025.492    32065.010    -24733.099    0.71305    0.71301 
  x3            1    31912.722    31952.239    -24845.827    0.71466    0.71462 
  x4            1    32928.035    32967.552    -23830.887    0.69980    0.69976 
  x5            1    32933.735    32973.252    -23825.189    0.69972    0.69967 

  Step     => 3 
  Added    => x3 
  Model    => y ~ x6 + x1 + x3 
  SBIC     => -24845.83

                       Table: Removing Existing Variables                       
  Predictor    DF       AIC          SBC          SBIC         R2       Adj. R2 
  x6            1    34923.269    34954.883    -21835.862    0.66828    0.66825 
  x1            1    32959.771    32991.385    -23798.829    0.69930    0.69927 
  x3            1    32931.758    32963.372    -23826.833    0.69972    0.69969 

                           Table: Adding New Variables                          
  Predictor    DF       AIC          SBC          SBIC         R2       Adj. R2 
  x2            1    29304.296    29351.717    -27453.243    0.74958    0.74953 
  x4            1    31908.533    31955.954    -24850.258    0.71475    0.71470 
  x5            1    31914.523    31961.944    -24844.270    0.71467    0.71461 

  Step     => 4 
  Added    => x2 
  Model    => y ~ x6 + x1 + x3 + x2 
  SBIC     => -27453.24

                       Table: Removing Existing Variables                       
  Predictor    DF       AIC          SBC          SBIC         R2       Adj. R2 
  x6            1    29302.317    29341.835    -27455.223    0.74958    0.74954 
  x1            1    32080.424    32119.941    -24678.188    0.71226    0.71222 
  x3            1    32025.492    32065.010    -24733.099    0.71305    0.71301 
  x2            1    31912.722    31952.239    -24845.827    0.71466    0.71462 

  Step     => 5 
  Removed  => x6 
  Model    => y ~ x1 + x3 + x2 
  SBIC     => -27455.22

                           Table: Adding New Variables                          
  Predictor    DF       AIC          SBC          SBIC         R2       Adj. R2 
  x4            1    29300.814    29348.235    -27456.724    0.74962    0.74957 
  x5            1    29304.253    29351.673    -27453.287    0.74958    0.74953 

  Step     => 6 
  Added    => x4 
  Model    => y ~ x1 + x3 + x2 + x4 
  SBIC     => -27456.72

                       Table: Removing Existing Variables                       
  Predictor    DF       AIC          SBC          SBIC         R2       Adj. R2 
  x1            1    35361.098    35400.615    -21398.670    0.66097    0.66092 
  x3            1    35170.915    35210.432    -21588.789    0.66418    0.66413 
  x2            1    34918.668    34958.185    -21840.951    0.66839    0.66834 
  x4            1    29302.317    29341.835    -27455.223    0.74958    0.74954 

                           Table: Adding New Variables                          
  Predictor    DF       AIC          SBC          SBIC         R2       Adj. R2 
  x5            1    29302.751    29358.075    -27454.786    0.74962    0.74956 

  No more variables to be added or removed.

  Variables Selected:

  => x1 
  => x3 
  => x2 
  => x4

                                   Stepwise Summary                                 
  Step    Variable         AIC          SBC          SBIC         R2       Adj. R2 
   0      Base Model    56988.482    57004.289       228.318    0.00000    0.00000 
   1      x6 (+)        33473.297    33497.007    -23285.069    0.69145    0.69143 
   2      x1 (+)        32931.758    32963.372    -23826.833    0.69972    0.69969 
   3      x3 (+)        31912.722    31952.239    -24845.827    0.71466    0.71462 
   4      x2 (+)        29304.296    29351.717    -27453.243    0.74958    0.74953 
   5      x6 (-)        29302.317    29341.835    -27455.223    0.74958    0.74954 
   6      x4 (+)        29300.814    29348.235    -27456.724    0.74962    0.74957 

  Final Model Output 

                            Model Summary                           
  R                       0.866       RMSE                   0.503 
  R-Squared               0.750       MSE                    0.253 
  Adj. R-Squared          0.750       Coef. Var           6430.859 
  Pred R-Squared          0.749       AIC                29300.814 
  MAE                     0.402       SBC                29348.235 
   RMSE: Root Mean Square Error 
   MSE: Mean Square Error 
   MAE: Mean Absolute Error 
   AIC: Akaike Information Criteria 
   SBC: Schwarz Bayesian Criteria

                   Sum of                                                    
                  Squares           DF    Mean Square        F          Sig. 
  Regression    15163.528            4       3790.882    14966.061    0.0000 
  Residual       5064.705        19995          0.253                        
  Total         20228.233        19999                                       

                                    Parameter Estimates                                   
        model      Beta    Std. Error    Std. Beta      t        Sig      lower    upper 
  (Intercept)    -0.005         0.004                 -1.496    0.135    -0.012    0.002 
           x1     0.255         0.003        0.362    84.140    0.000     0.249    0.261 
           x3     0.253         0.003        0.356    82.604    0.000     0.247    0.259 
           x2     0.249         0.003        0.346    80.544    0.000     0.243    0.255 
           x4    -0.007         0.004       -0.007    -1.872    0.061    -0.014    0.000 

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