
output from stepwise regression is as expected


                                  Stepwise Summary                                
  Step    Variable             AIC        SBC       SBIC        R2       Adj. R2 
   0      Base Model         802.606    806.584    646.794    0.00000    0.00000 
   1      liver_test (+)     771.875    777.842    616.009    0.45454    0.44405 
   2      alc_heavy (+)      761.439    769.395    605.506    0.56674    0.54975 
   3      enzyme_test (+)    750.509    760.454    595.297    0.65900    0.63854 
   4      pindex (+)         735.715    747.649    582.943    0.75015    0.72975 
   5      bcs (+)            730.620    744.543    579.638    0.78091    0.75808 

  Final Model Output 

                             Model Summary                            
  R                         0.884       RMSE                 184.276 
  R-Squared                 0.781       MSE                38202.426 
  Adj. R-Squared            0.758       Coef. Var             27.839 
  Pred R-Squared            0.700       AIC                  730.620 
  MAE                     137.656       SBC                  744.543 
   RMSE: Root Mean Square Error 
   MSE: Mean Square Error 
   MAE: Mean Absolute Error 
   AIC: Akaike Information Criteria 
   SBC: Schwarz Bayesian Criteria

                     Sum of                                              
                    Squares        DF    Mean Square      F         Sig. 
  Regression    6535804.090         5    1307160.818    34.217    0.0000 
  Residual      1833716.447        48      38202.426                     
  Total         8369520.537        53                                    

                                        Parameter Estimates                                        
        model         Beta    Std. Error    Std. Beta      t        Sig         lower       upper 
  (Intercept)    -1178.330       208.682                 -5.647    0.000    -1597.914    -758.746 
   liver_test       58.064        40.144        0.156     1.446    0.155      -22.652     138.779 
    alc_heavy      317.848        71.634        0.314     4.437    0.000      173.818     461.878 
  enzyme_test        9.748         1.656        0.521     5.887    0.000        6.419      13.077 
       pindex        8.924         1.808        0.380     4.935    0.000        5.288      12.559 
          bcs       59.864        23.060        0.241     2.596    0.012       13.498     106.230 
  ols_step_both_p(model, progress = TRUE)
  Stepwise Selection Method 

  Candidate Terms:

  1. bcs 
  2. pindex 
  3. enzyme_test 
  4. liver_test 
  5. age 
  6. gender 
  7. alc_mod 
  8. alc_heavy

  Variables Added/Removed:

  => liver_test added 
  => alc_heavy added 
  => enzyme_test added 
  => pindex added 
  => bcs added

  No more variables to be added or removed.

                                  Stepwise Summary                                
  Step    Variable             AIC        SBC       SBIC        R2       Adj. R2 
   0      Base Model         802.606    806.584    646.794    0.00000    0.00000 
   1      liver_test (+)     771.875    777.842    616.009    0.45454    0.44405 
   2      alc_heavy (+)      761.439    769.395    605.506    0.56674    0.54975 
   3      enzyme_test (+)    750.509    760.454    595.297    0.65900    0.63854 
   4      pindex (+)         735.715    747.649    582.943    0.75015    0.72975 
   5      bcs (+)            730.620    744.543    579.638    0.78091    0.75808 

  Final Model Output 

                             Model Summary                            
  R                         0.884       RMSE                 184.276 
  R-Squared                 0.781       MSE                38202.426 
  Adj. R-Squared            0.758       Coef. Var             27.839 
  Pred R-Squared            0.700       AIC                  730.620 
  MAE                     137.656       SBC                  744.543 
   RMSE: Root Mean Square Error 
   MSE: Mean Square Error 
   MAE: Mean Absolute Error 
   AIC: Akaike Information Criteria 
   SBC: Schwarz Bayesian Criteria

                     Sum of                                              
                    Squares        DF    Mean Square      F         Sig. 
  Regression    6535804.090         5    1307160.818    34.217    0.0000 
  Residual      1833716.447        48      38202.426                     
  Total         8369520.537        53                                    

                                        Parameter Estimates                                        
        model         Beta    Std. Error    Std. Beta      t        Sig         lower       upper 
  (Intercept)    -1178.330       208.682                 -5.647    0.000    -1597.914    -758.746 
   liver_test       58.064        40.144        0.156     1.446    0.155      -22.652     138.779 
    alc_heavy      317.848        71.634        0.314     4.437    0.000      173.818     461.878 
  enzyme_test        9.748         1.656        0.521     5.887    0.000        6.419      13.077 
       pindex        8.924         1.808        0.380     4.935    0.000        5.288      12.559 
          bcs       59.864        23.060        0.241     2.596    0.012       13.498     106.230 
  ols_step_both_p(model, details = TRUE)
  Stepwise Selection Method 

  Candidate Terms:

  1. bcs 
  2. pindex 
  3. enzyme_test 
  4. liver_test 
  5. age 
  6. gender 
  7. alc_mod 
  8. alc_heavy

  Step   => 0 
  Model  => y ~ 1 
  R2     => 0

  Initiating stepwise selection...

  Step      => 1 
  Selected  => liver_test 
  Model     => y ~ liver_test 
  R2        => 0.455

  Step      => 2 
  Selected  => alc_heavy 
  Model     => y ~ liver_test + alc_heavy 
  R2        => 0.567

  Step      => 3 
  Selected  => enzyme_test 
  Model     => y ~ liver_test + alc_heavy + enzyme_test 
  R2        => 0.659

  Step      => 4 
  Selected  => pindex 
  Model     => y ~ liver_test + alc_heavy + enzyme_test + pindex 
  R2        => 0.75

  Step      => 5 
  Selected  => bcs 
  Model     => y ~ liver_test + alc_heavy + enzyme_test + pindex + bcs 
  R2        => 0.781

  No more variables to be added or removed.

                                  Stepwise Summary                                
  Step    Variable             AIC        SBC       SBIC        R2       Adj. R2 
   0      Base Model         802.606    806.584    646.794    0.00000    0.00000 
   1      liver_test (+)     771.875    777.842    616.009    0.45454    0.44405 
   2      alc_heavy (+)      761.439    769.395    605.506    0.56674    0.54975 
   3      enzyme_test (+)    750.509    760.454    595.297    0.65900    0.63854 
   4      pindex (+)         735.715    747.649    582.943    0.75015    0.72975 
   5      bcs (+)            730.620    744.543    579.638    0.78091    0.75808 

  Final Model Output 

                             Model Summary                            
  R                         0.884       RMSE                 184.276 
  R-Squared                 0.781       MSE                38202.426 
  Adj. R-Squared            0.758       Coef. Var             27.839 
  Pred R-Squared            0.700       AIC                  730.620 
  MAE                     137.656       SBC                  744.543 
   RMSE: Root Mean Square Error 
   MSE: Mean Square Error 
   MAE: Mean Absolute Error 
   AIC: Akaike Information Criteria 
   SBC: Schwarz Bayesian Criteria

                     Sum of                                              
                    Squares        DF    Mean Square      F         Sig. 
  Regression    6535804.090         5    1307160.818    34.217    0.0000 
  Residual      1833716.447        48      38202.426                     
  Total         8369520.537        53                                    

                                        Parameter Estimates                                        
        model         Beta    Std. Error    Std. Beta      t        Sig         lower       upper 
  (Intercept)    -1178.330       208.682                 -5.647    0.000    -1597.914    -758.746 
   liver_test       58.064        40.144        0.156     1.446    0.155      -22.652     138.779 
    alc_heavy      317.848        71.634        0.314     4.437    0.000      173.818     461.878 
  enzyme_test        9.748         1.656        0.521     5.887    0.000        6.419      13.077 
       pindex        8.924         1.808        0.380     4.935    0.000        5.288      12.559 
          bcs       59.864        23.060        0.241     2.596    0.012       13.498     106.230 

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