Man pages for omsvg
Build and Transform 'SVG' Objects

anim_opacityAnimate an element through an opacity change
anim_positionAnimate the position of an element
anim_rotationAnimate an element through rotation
animsExpress animations for an element
anim_scaleAnimate an element through scaling
cubic_bezierCreate a custom easing function for animation
ease_inUse an 'easing in' animation
ease_in_outUse an 'easing in and out' animation
ease_outUse an 'easing out' animation
filter_dilateFilter: add a dilation effect to an element
filter_drop_shadowFilter: add a drop shadow to an element
filter_erodeFilter: add an erosion effect to an element
filter_gaussian_blurFilter: add a gaussian blur to an element
filter_imageFilter: display an image
filter_offsetFilter: offset an element a specified amount
info_lineawesomeGet an information table showing all Line Awesome icons
knit_print.svgSafely print any 'svg' object in R Markdown
linearUse a linear movement for animation
pipePipe operator
step_endUse a 'step-end' animation
step_startUse a 'step-start' animation
SVGCreate an 'svg' object
SVG_Create a compact 'svg' object
svg_attrs_presDefine SVG presentation attributes for an element
svg_circleAddition of a 'circle' element
svg_ellipseAddition of an 'ellipse' element
svg_filterBuild an SVG <filter>
svg_groupAddition of a group element
svg_imageAddition of an 'image' element
SVG_importImport an SVG file and create an 'svg' object
SVG_laCreate an svg object with a Line Awesome glyph
svg_lineAddition of an 'line' element
svg_pathAddition of an 'path' element
svg_polygonAddition of an 'polygon' element
svg_polylineAddition of an 'polyline' element
svg_rectAddition of a 'rect' element
SVG_tCreate a text-height 'svg' object
svg_textAddition of a 'text' element
omsvg documentation built on Feb. 10, 2021, 5:10 p.m.