get_planning_areas: Get Planning Areas (All)

View source: R/get_planning_areas.R

get_planning_areasR Documentation

Get Planning Areas (All)


This function is a wrapper for the Planning Area Polygons API. It returns the data either in raw format or a combined sf or sp object.


get_planning_areas(token, year = NULL, read = NULL)



User's API token. This can be retrieved using get_token


Optional, check documentation for valid options. Invalid requests will are ignored by the API.


Optional, which package to use to read geojson object. For "sf" objects, specify read = "sf" and for "sp" objects use read = "rgdal". Note that if used, any missing geojson objects will be dropped (this affects the "Others" planning area returned by the API).


If the parameter read is not specified, the function returns a raw JSON object with planning names and geojson string vectors.

If read = "sf", the function returns a single "sf" dataframe with 2 columns: "name" (name of planning area) and "geometry", which contains the simple features.

If read = "rgdal", the function returns a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame of "sp" class. The names of each planning area is recorded in the "name" column of the dataframe.

If an error occurs, the function returns NULL and a warning message is printed.


If read is specified, any missing geojson objects will be dropped (this affects the "Others" planning area returned by the API). The returned outputs are NOT projected.

If the user specifies read = "sp" but does not have the sp package installed, the function will return the raw JSON and print a warning message.


# returns raw JSON object
## Not run: get_planning_areas(token)
## Not run: get_planning_areas(token, 2008)

# returns dataframe of class "sf"
## Not run: get_planning_areas(token, read = "sf")

# returns SpatialPolygonsDataFrame ("sp" object)
## Not run: get_planning_areas(token, read = "rgdal")

# error: output is NULL, warning message shows status code
## Not run: get_planning_areas("invalid_token")

onemapsgapi documentation built on Nov. 29, 2022, 9:06 a.m.