Man pages for ontologyIndex
Reading Ontologies into R 'ontology_index' object to 'data.frame'
checkCheck an ontology index object
exclude_descendantsExclude terms descending from any in a given set of root...
get_ancestorsGet set of terms containing all ancestors of terms in a given...
get_descendantsGet set of terms containing all descendants of terms in a...
get_ontologyRead ontology from OBO file into R
get_relation_namesGet names of relations used in OBO file
get_term_descendancy_matrixGet logical descendancy matrix for set of terms
get_term_frequenciesGet frequency of each term in a set of phenotypes
get_term_info_contentGet information content of each term in a set of phenotypes
get_term_propertyGet property of individual ontological term
goGO index
hpoHPO index
intersection_with_descendantsIntersect a set of terms with the descendants of a given set...
minimal_setRemove redundant/implied terms from a set of terms
mpoMPO index
ontology_indexCreate 'ontology_index' object from vectors and lists of term...
ontologyIndex-packageFunctions for Reading Ontologies into R
print.ontology_indexPrint 'ontology_index' object
propagate_relationsSelect terms by propagating relations from a set of terms
prune_descendantsExclude terms descending from a given set of roots but...
ontologyIndex documentation built on July 4, 2024, 1:08 a.m.