Man pages for openmeteo
Retrieve Weather Data from the Open-Meteo API

air_qualityRetrieve air quality data from the Open-Meteo API
climate_forecastRetrieve climate change forecasts from the Open-Meteo API
geocodeGeocode a location using the Open-Meteo geocoding API
marine_forecastRetrieve marine conditions data from the Open-Meteo API
openmeteoopenmeteo: retrieve weather data from the Open-Meteo API
river_dischargeRetrieve river discharge data from the Open-Meteo API
weather_forecastRetrieve weather forecasts from the Open-Meteo API
weather_historyRetrieve historical weather data from the Open-Meteo API
weather_nowRetrieve Current Weather from the Open-Meteo API
weather_variablesRetrieve valid hourly and daily weather variables
openmeteo documentation built on Oct. 25, 2023, 5:07 p.m.