weather_history: Retrieve historical weather data from the Open-Meteo API

View source: R/weather_history.R

weather_historyR Documentation

Retrieve historical weather data from the Open-Meteo API


weather_history() calls the Open-Meteo Historical Weather API to obtain weather data for a given location and historical time period.

Refer to the API documentation at:


  hourly = NULL,
  daily = NULL,
  response_units = NULL,
  model = NULL,
  timezone = "auto"



Required. The location for which data will be retrieved. Supplied as either a c(latitude,longitude) WGS84 coordinate pair or a place name string (with co-ordinates obtained via geocode()).

start, end

Required. Start and end dates in ISO 8601 (e.g. "2020-12-31").

hourly, daily

At least one required. A weather variable accepted by the API, or list thereof. See details below.


Supply to convert temperature, windspeed, or precipitation units. This defaults to: ⁠list(temperature_unit = "celsius",⁠ ⁠windspeed_unit = "kmh", precipitation_unit = "mm")⁠


Supply to specify a model for re-analysis.


specify timezone for time data as a string, i.e. "australia/sydney" (defaults to "auto", the timezone local to the specified location).


You will need to specify at least one weather variable, such as temperature, that you want historical data for. These variables have been sampled or aggregated at hourly or daily intervals, and can be supplied as a list to request multiple variables over the same time period.

Example Hourly historical weather variables include:

Variable Description
temperature_2m Air temperature at 2 meters above ground
precipitation Sum of rain, showers, and snow over the preceding hour
windspeed_10m Wind speed at 10 meters above ground
cloudcover Total cloud cover as an area fraction
pressure_msl Atmospheric air pressure at mean sea level

Example Daily historical weather variables include:

Variable Description
temperature_2m_max Maximum daily air temperature at 2 meters above ground
precipitation_sum Sum of rain, showers, and snow over the preceding day
windspeed_10m_max Maximum daily wind speed at 10 meters above ground

Full documentation for the historical weather API is available at:

You can also call weather_variables() to retrieve an (incomplete) shortlist of valid hourly and daily weather variables.


Specified weather forecast data for the given location and time


# obtain cloud cover history for London over 2020
  start = "2020-01-01",
  end = "2021-12-31",
  hourly = "cloudcover"

openmeteo documentation built on Oct. 25, 2023, 5:07 p.m.