Man pages for opensensmapr
Client for the Data API of ''

archive_fetch_measurementsfetch measurements from archive from a single box, and a...
filter.osem_measurementsReturn rows with matching conditions, while maintaining class...
filter.senseboxReturn rows with matching conditions, while maintaining class...
mutate.osem_measurementsAdd new variables to the data, while maintaining class &...
mutate.senseboxAdd new variables to the data, while maintaining class &...
opensensmapropensensmapr: Get sensor data from
osem_archive_endpointReturns the default endpoint for the archive *download* While...
osem_as_measurementsConverts a foreign object to an osem_measurements data.frame.
osem_as_senseboxConverts a foreign object to a sensebox data.frame.
osem_boxGet a single senseBox by its ID
osem_boxesGet a set of senseBoxes from the openSenseMap
osem_box_to_archivenamereplace chars in box name according to archive script:...
osem_clear_cachePurge cached responses from the given cache directory
osem_countsGet count statistics of the openSenseMap Instance
osem_endpointGet the default openSenseMap API endpoint
osem_ensure_api_availableCheck if the given openSenseMap API endpoint is available
osem_ensure_archive_availableCheck if the given openSenseMap archive endpoint is available
osem_measurementsFetch the Measurements of a Phenomenon on
osem_measurements_archiveFetch day-wise measurements for a single box from the...
osem_phenomenaGet the counts of sensors for each observed phenomenon.
st_as_sf.osem_measurementsConvert a 'osem_measurements' dataframe to an 'st_sf' object.
st_as_sf.senseboxConvert a 'sensebox' dataframe to an 'st_sf' object.
opensensmapr documentation built on March 31, 2023, 11:45 p.m.