Man pages for opentimsr
An Open-Source Loader for Bruker's timsTOF Data Files

CloseTIMSClose the TIMS data handle and release all resources.
download_bruker_proprietary_codeGet Bruker's code needed for running proprietary time of...
explore.tdf.tablesExplore the contentents of the sqlite .tdf database.
length-OpenTIMS-methodGet the overall number of peaks.
min_max_measurementsGet border values for measurements.
MS1Get MS1 frame numbers.
OpenTIMSGet OpenTIMS data representation.
OpenTIMS-classTimsTOF data accessor.
opentims_set_threadsSet the number of threads to be used for data processing by...
peaks_per_frame_cntsGet the number of peaks per frame.
queryQuery for raw data.
query_sliceQuery for raw data.
range-OpenTIMS-methodSelect a range of frames to extract.
retention_timesGet the retention time for each frame.
rt_queryGet the retention time for each frame.
setup_bruker_soDynamically link Bruker's DLL to enable tof-mz and...
sub-OpenTIMS-methodGet some frames of data.
table2dfExtract tables from sqlite database analysis.tdf.
tables_namesExtract tables from sqlite database analysis.tdf.
opentimsr documentation built on March 30, 2022, 1:06 a.m.