
Defines functions worksheet_bin workbook_bin sharedstrings_bin externalreferences_bin comments_bin table_bin styles_bin write_xmlPtr write_worksheet set_sst write_colors read_colors write_dxf read_dxf write_tableStyle read_tableStyle write_cellStyle read_cellStyle write_fill read_fill write_border read_border write_numfmt read_numfmt write_font read_font write_xf read_xf txt_to_si txt_to_is si_to_txt is_to_txt xml_si_to_txt xml_remove_child3 xml_remove_child2 xml_remove_child1 xml_append_child3 xml_append_child2 xml_append_child1 xml_node_create xml_attr_mod write_xml_file printXPtr getXMLXPtr3attr getXMLXPtr2attr getXMLXPtr1attr getXMLXPtr3val getXMLXPtr2val getXMLXPtr1val getXMLPtr1con unkgetXMLXPtr3 getXMLXPtr3 getXMLXPtr2 getXMLXPtr1 getXMLXPtr0 getXMLXPtrName3 getXMLXPtrName2 getXMLXPtrName1 is_xml readXML readXMLPtr loadvals df_to_xml col_to_df write_df2xml read_xml2df create_char_dataframe wide_to_long is_charnum long_to_wide dims_to_df needed_cells validate_dims copy rbindlist col_to_int int_to_col openxlsx2_type to_long

Documented in xml_attr_mod xml_node_create

# Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand
# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393

#' Check if path is to long to be an R file path
#' @param path the file path used in file.exists()
#' @noRd
to_long <- function(path) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_to_long`, path)

openxlsx2_type <- function(x) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_openxlsx2_type`, x)

int_to_col <- function(cell) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_int_to_col`, cell)

col_to_int <- function(x) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_col_to_int`, x)

rbindlist <- function(x) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_rbindlist`, x)

copy <- function(x) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_copy`, x)

validate_dims <- function(input) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_validate_dims`, input)

needed_cells <- function(range) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_needed_cells`, range)

dims_to_df <- function(rows, cols, filled, fill, fcols) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_dims_to_df`, rows, cols, filled, fill, fcols)

long_to_wide <- function(z, tt, zz) {
    invisible(.Call(`_openxlsx2_long_to_wide`, z, tt, zz))

is_charnum <- function(x) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_is_charnum`, x)

wide_to_long <- function(z, vtyps, zz, ColNames, start_col, start_row, ref, string_nums, na_null, na_missing, na_strings, inline_strings, c_cm, dims) {
    invisible(.Call(`_openxlsx2_wide_to_long`, z, vtyps, zz, ColNames, start_col, start_row, ref, string_nums, na_null, na_missing, na_strings, inline_strings, c_cm, dims))

#' @param colnames a vector of the names of the data frame
#' @param n the length of the data frame
#' @noRd
create_char_dataframe <- function(colnames, n) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_create_char_dataframe`, colnames, n)

read_xml2df <- function(xml, vec_name, vec_attrs, vec_chlds) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_read_xml2df`, xml, vec_name, vec_attrs, vec_chlds)

write_df2xml <- function(df, vec_name, vec_attrs, vec_chlds) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_write_df2xml`, df, vec_name, vec_attrs, vec_chlds)

col_to_df <- function(doc) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_col_to_df`, doc)

df_to_xml <- function(name, df_col) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_df_to_xml`, name, df_col)

loadvals <- function(sheet_data, doc) {
    invisible(.Call(`_openxlsx2_loadvals`, sheet_data, doc))

readXMLPtr <- function(path, isfile, escapes, declaration, whitespace, empty_tags, skip_control) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_readXMLPtr`, path, isfile, escapes, declaration, whitespace, empty_tags, skip_control)

readXML <- function(path, isfile, escapes, declaration, whitespace, empty_tags, skip_control) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_readXML`, path, isfile, escapes, declaration, whitespace, empty_tags, skip_control)

is_xml <- function(str) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_is_xml`, str)

getXMLXPtrName1 <- function(doc) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_getXMLXPtrName1`, doc)

getXMLXPtrName2 <- function(doc, level1) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_getXMLXPtrName2`, doc, level1)

getXMLXPtrName3 <- function(doc, level1, level2) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_getXMLXPtrName3`, doc, level1, level2)

getXMLXPtr0 <- function(doc) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_getXMLXPtr0`, doc)

getXMLXPtr1 <- function(doc, child) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_getXMLXPtr1`, doc, child)

getXMLXPtr2 <- function(doc, level1, child) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_getXMLXPtr2`, doc, level1, child)

getXMLXPtr3 <- function(doc, level1, level2, child) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_getXMLXPtr3`, doc, level1, level2, child)

unkgetXMLXPtr3 <- function(doc, level1, child) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_unkgetXMLXPtr3`, doc, level1, child)

getXMLPtr1con <- function(doc) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_getXMLPtr1con`, doc)

getXMLXPtr1val <- function(doc, child) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_getXMLXPtr1val`, doc, child)

getXMLXPtr2val <- function(doc, level1, child) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_getXMLXPtr2val`, doc, level1, child)

getXMLXPtr3val <- function(doc, level1, level2, child) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_getXMLXPtr3val`, doc, level1, level2, child)

getXMLXPtr1attr <- function(doc, child) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_getXMLXPtr1attr`, doc, child)

getXMLXPtr2attr <- function(doc, level1, child) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_getXMLXPtr2attr`, doc, level1, child)

getXMLXPtr3attr <- function(doc, level1, level2, child) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_getXMLXPtr3attr`, doc, level1, level2, child)

printXPtr <- function(doc, indent, raw, attr_indent) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_printXPtr`, doc, indent, raw, attr_indent)

write_xml_file <- function(xml_content, escapes) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_write_xml_file`, xml_content, escapes)

#' adds or updates attribute(s) in existing xml node
#' @description Needs xml node and named character vector as input. Modifies
#' the arguments of each first child found in the xml node and adds or updates
#' the attribute vector.
#' @details If a named attribute in `xml_attributes` is "" remove the attribute
#' from the node.
#' If `xml_attributes` contains a named entry found in the xml node, it is
#' updated else it is added as attribute.
#' @param xml_content some valid xml_node
#' @param xml_attributes R vector of named attributes
#' @param escapes bool if escapes should be used
#' @param declaration bool if declaration should be imported
#' @param remove_empty_attr bool remove empty attributes or ignore them
#' @examples
#'   # add single node
#'     xml_node <- "<a foo=\"bar\">openxlsx2</a><b />"
#'     xml_attr <- c(qux = "quux")
#'     # "<a foo=\"bar\" qux=\"quux\">openxlsx2</a><b qux=\"quux\"/>"
#'     xml_attr_mod(xml_node, xml_attr)
#'   # update node and add node
#'     xml_node <- "<a foo=\"bar\">openxlsx2</a><b />"
#'     xml_attr <- c(foo = "baz", qux = "quux")
#'     # "<a foo=\"baz\" qux=\"quux\">openxlsx2</a><b foo=\"baz\" qux=\"quux\"/>"
#'     xml_attr_mod(xml_node, xml_attr)
#'   # remove node and add node
#'     xml_node <- "<a foo=\"bar\">openxlsx2</a><b />"
#'     xml_attr <- c(foo = "", qux = "quux")
#'     # "<a qux=\"quux\">openxlsx2</a><b qux=\"quux\"/>"
#'     xml_attr_mod(xml_node, xml_attr)
#' @export
xml_attr_mod <- function(xml_content, xml_attributes, escapes = FALSE, declaration = FALSE, remove_empty_attr = TRUE) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_xml_attr_mod`, xml_content, xml_attributes, escapes, declaration, remove_empty_attr)

#' create xml_node from R objects
#' @description takes xml_name, xml_children and xml_attributes to create a new
#' xml_node.
#' @param xml_name the name of the new xml_node
#' @param xml_children character vector children attached to the xml_node
#' @param xml_attributes named character vector of attributes for the xml_node
#' @param escapes bool if escapes should be used
#' @param declaration bool if declaration should be imported
#' @details if xml_children or xml_attributes should be empty, use NULL
#' @examples
#' xml_name <- "a"
#' # "<a/>"
#' xml_node_create(xml_name)
#' xml_child <- "openxlsx"
#' # "<a>openxlsx</a>"
#' xml_node_create(xml_name, xml_children = xml_child)
#' xml_attr <- c(foo = "baz", qux = "quux")
#' # "<a foo=\"baz\" qux=\"quux\"/>"
#' xml_node_create(xml_name, xml_attributes = xml_attr)
#' # "<a foo=\"baz\" qux=\"quux\">openxlsx</a>"
#' xml_node_create(xml_name, xml_children = xml_child, xml_attributes = xml_attr)
#' @export
xml_node_create <- function(xml_name, xml_children = NULL, xml_attributes = NULL, escapes = FALSE, declaration = FALSE) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_xml_node_create`, xml_name, xml_children, xml_attributes, escapes, declaration)

xml_append_child1 <- function(node, child, pointer) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_xml_append_child1`, node, child, pointer)

xml_append_child2 <- function(node, child, level1, pointer) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_xml_append_child2`, node, child, level1, pointer)

xml_append_child3 <- function(node, child, level1, level2, pointer) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_xml_append_child3`, node, child, level1, level2, pointer)

xml_remove_child1 <- function(node, child, which, pointer) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_xml_remove_child1`, node, child, which, pointer)

xml_remove_child2 <- function(node, child, level1, which, pointer) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_xml_remove_child2`, node, child, level1, which, pointer)

xml_remove_child3 <- function(node, child, level1, level2, which, pointer) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_xml_remove_child3`, node, child, level1, level2, which, pointer)

xml_si_to_txt <- function(doc) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_xml_si_to_txt`, doc)

is_to_txt <- function(is_vec) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_is_to_txt`, is_vec)

si_to_txt <- function(si_vec) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_si_to_txt`, si_vec)

txt_to_is <- function(text, no_escapes = FALSE, raw = TRUE, skip_control = TRUE) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_txt_to_is`, text, no_escapes, raw, skip_control)

txt_to_si <- function(text, no_escapes = FALSE, raw = TRUE, skip_control = TRUE) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_txt_to_si`, text, no_escapes, raw, skip_control)

read_xf <- function(xml_doc_xf) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_read_xf`, xml_doc_xf)

write_xf <- function(df_xf) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_write_xf`, df_xf)

read_font <- function(xml_doc_font) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_read_font`, xml_doc_font)

write_font <- function(df_font) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_write_font`, df_font)

read_numfmt <- function(xml_doc_numfmt) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_read_numfmt`, xml_doc_numfmt)

write_numfmt <- function(df_numfmt) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_write_numfmt`, df_numfmt)

read_border <- function(xml_doc_border) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_read_border`, xml_doc_border)

write_border <- function(df_border) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_write_border`, df_border)

read_fill <- function(xml_doc_fill) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_read_fill`, xml_doc_fill)

write_fill <- function(df_fill) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_write_fill`, df_fill)

read_cellStyle <- function(xml_doc_cellStyle) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_read_cellStyle`, xml_doc_cellStyle)

write_cellStyle <- function(df_cellstyle) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_write_cellStyle`, df_cellstyle)

read_tableStyle <- function(xml_doc_tableStyle) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_read_tableStyle`, xml_doc_tableStyle)

write_tableStyle <- function(df_tablestyle) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_write_tableStyle`, df_tablestyle)

read_dxf <- function(xml_doc_dxf) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_read_dxf`, xml_doc_dxf)

write_dxf <- function(df_dxf) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_write_dxf`, df_dxf)

read_colors <- function(xml_doc_colors) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_read_colors`, xml_doc_colors)

write_colors <- function(df_colors) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_write_colors`, df_colors)

set_sst <- function(sharedStrings) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_set_sst`, sharedStrings)

write_worksheet <- function(prior, post, sheet_data) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_write_worksheet`, prior, post, sheet_data)

write_xmlPtr <- function(doc, fl) {
    invisible(.Call(`_openxlsx2_write_xmlPtr`, doc, fl))

styles_bin <- function(filePath, outPath, debug) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_styles_bin`, filePath, outPath, debug)

table_bin <- function(filePath, outPath, debug) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_table_bin`, filePath, outPath, debug)

comments_bin <- function(filePath, outPath, debug) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_comments_bin`, filePath, outPath, debug)

externalreferences_bin <- function(filePath, outPath, debug) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_externalreferences_bin`, filePath, outPath, debug)

sharedstrings_bin <- function(filePath, outPath, debug) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_sharedstrings_bin`, filePath, outPath, debug)

workbook_bin <- function(filePath, outPath, debug) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_workbook_bin`, filePath, outPath, debug)

worksheet_bin <- function(filePath, chartsheet, outPath, debug) {
    .Call(`_openxlsx2_worksheet_bin`, filePath, chartsheet, outPath, debug)

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openxlsx2 documentation built on Oct. 18, 2024, 1:07 a.m.