Man pages for optAUC
Optimal Combinations of Diagnostic Tests Based on AUC

AUCFunction for AUC with sigmoid estimate
AUC.empFunction for AUC when input is X and Y
beta2thetaFunction to translate beta into theta, the n-sphere constrain
betahatFunction for estimating beta using kernal function
gradAUC.LangFunction for gradient of AUC after applying Lagrange...
gradsqrThe function of grad_square in the GCV
hessAUCfunction for hessian matrix of AUC
nlsolvesolve nonlinear function
optAUCOptimal Combinations of Diagnostic Tests Based on AUC
optAUC-packageOptimal Combinations of Diagnostic Tests Based on AUC
theta2betaFunction to translate theta to beta, the n-sphere constrain
optAUC documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:07 a.m.