optiSolve-package: Linear, Quadratic, and Rational Optimization

Description Details Author(s) References


Solver for linear, quadratic, and rational programs with linear, quadratic, and rational constraints. A unified interface to different R packages is provided. Optimization problems are transformed into equivalent formulations and solved by the respective package. For example, quadratic programming problems with linear, quadratic and rational constraints can be solved by augmented Lagrangian minimization using package 'alabama', or by sequential quadratic programming using solver 'slsqp'. Alternatively, they can be reformulated as optimization problems with second order cone constraints and solved with package 'cccp'.


The following steps are included in solving a constrained optimization problem (cop):

1) Define the objective with one of the following functions:

linfun defines a linear objective function,
quadfun defines a quadratic objective function,
ratiofun defines a rational objective function.

2) Define the constraints by using the following functions:

lincon defines linear equality and inequality constraints,
quadcon defines quadratic constraints,
ratiocon defines rational constraints,
lbcon defines lower bounds for the variables,
ubcon defines upper bounds for the variables.

3) Put the objective function and the constraints together to define the optimization problem:

cop defines a constrained optimization problem.

4) Solve the optimization problem:

solvecop solves a constrained optimization problem.

5) Check if the solution fulfils all constraints:

validate checks if the solution fulfils all constraints, and calculates the values of the constraints.


Robin Wellmann

Maintainer: Robin Wellmann <r.wellmann@uni-hohenheim.de>


Kraft, D. (1988). A software package for sequential quadratic programming, Technical Report DFVLR-FB 88-28, Institut fuer Dynamik der Flugsysteme, Oberpfaffenhofen, July 1988.

Lange K, Optimization, 2004, Springer.

Madsen K, Nielsen HB, Tingleff O, Optimization With Constraints, 2004, IMM, Technical University of Denmark.

optiSolve documentation built on Oct. 13, 2021, 5:08 p.m.