Man pages for optinterv
Optimal Intervention

add_signAdd signs to variable names
boot_ciBootstrap Confidence Intervals
boot_defaultBootstrap (default) Bootstrap function for the non-parametric...
dev_momentsMoment deviation
kl_dist_corKullback-Leibler Divergence
kl_dist_defKullback-Leibler Divergence
nnNearest-neighbors method
nn_wgtNearest-neighbors weights
non_parmNon-parametric method
optintOptimal intervention
optint_by_groupOptimal intervention, by group
outcome_diffOutcome difference
par_corPartial Correlation
per_distanceDistance Between Distributions
perm_testPermutation test Test the null hypothesis P(X|I=0) =...
plot_changePlot the change in the distribution of X
plot.optintPlot optint object
plot.optint_by_groupPlot optint object, by group
summary.optintSummary for optint object
var_posVariable Position
wgt_adjustWeights adjustment
wtd_binWeighted Bin
optinterv documentation built on March 26, 2020, 7:05 p.m.