mmenurcd.mae: Creates the main menu tcltk window

Description Usage Details Author(s) See Also


Alternative to directly using the function optrcdmaeAT on the R console, the function mmenurcd.mae creates the main menu tcltk window with the list of four optimality criteria (A, MV, D and E) for search of optimal or near-optimal row-column designs for two-colour cDNA microarray experiments.




The main menu window created using the function mmenurcd.mae contains the list of four optimality criteria (the A-, MV -, D- and E) for row-column designs that allows user to choose an optimality criterion of interest. The function will then call for a function fixparrcd.mae for further option regarding the setup of parametric combinations and output, see fixparrcd.mae documentation.


Legesse Kassa Debusho, Dibaba Bayisa Gemechu, and Linda Haines

See Also

optrcdmaeAT, fixparrcd.mae, tcltk, TkWidgets

optrcdmaeAT documentation built on May 1, 2019, 7:56 p.m.