Man pages for ordr
A 'tidyverse' Extension for Ordinations and Biplots

annotationAnnotate factors of 'tbl_ord' objects
augmentationAugment factors and coordinates of 'tbl_ord' objects
biplot-geomsConvenience geoms for row and column matrix factors
biplot-statsConvenience stats for row and column matrix factors
conferenceConfer inertia to factors of a 'tbl_ord' object
dplyr-verbs*dplyr* verbs for tbl_ord factors
draw-keyBiplot key drawing functions
formatFormat a tbl_ord for printing
geom_axisAxes through the origin
geom_isolineIsolines (contour lines)
geom_linerangesIntervals depicting ranges, usually about center points
geom_originCrosshairs or circle at the origin
geom_text_radiateText radiating outward from the origin
geom_unit_circleUnit circle
geom_vectorVectors from the origin
ggbiplotBiplots following the grammar of graphics
glassGlass composition data
lda-ordAugmented implementation of linear discriminant analysis
lra-ordLog-ratio analysis
methods-cancorFunctionality for canonical correlations
methods-cmdsFunctionality for classical multidimensional scaling objects
methods-correspondenceFunctionality for correspondence analysis ('correspondence')...
methods-eigenFunctionality for eigen-decompositions
methods-factanalFunctionality for factor analysis ('factanal') objects
methods-kmeansFunctionality for k-means clustering ('kmeans') objects
methods-ldaFunctionality for linear discriminant analysis ('lda')...
methods-lmFunctionality for linear model objects
methods-lraFunctionality for log-ratio analysis ('lra') objects
methods-mcaFunctionality for multiple correspondence analysis ('mca')...
methods-prcompFunctionality for principal components analysis ('prcomp')...
methods-princompFunctionality for principal components analysis ('princomp')...
methods-svdFunctionality for singular value decompositions
negationNegation of ordination axes
ordinateFit an ordination model to a data object
ordr*ordr* package
ordr-ggprotoggproto classes created and adapted for ordr
plot.tbl_ordPlot and biplot methods for 'tbl_ord' objects
qswur_usaU.S. university rankings
recoverersAccess factors, coordinates, and metadata from ordination...
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
stat_centerCompute geometric centers and spreads for ordination factors
stat_chullRestrict geometric data to boundary points for its convex...
stat_coneRestrict geometric data to boundary points for its conical...
stat_rowsRender plot elements for one matrix of an ordination
stat_scaleMultiply artificial coordinates by a scale factor
stat_spantreeCalculate a minimum spanning tree among cases or variables
supplementationSupplement 'tbl_ord' objects with new data
tbl_ordA unified ordination object class
theme_biplotBiplot theme
tidiersTidiers for 'tbl_ord' objects
wrap-ordWrappers for lossy ordination methods
ordr documentation built on Oct. 21, 2022, 1:07 a.m.