osf_mv: Move a file or directory

View source: R/osf_mv.R

osf_mvR Documentation

Move a file or directory


Use osf_mv() to move a file or directory to a new project, component, or subdirectory.


osf_mv(x, to, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)



An osf_tbl_file containing a single file or directory.


Destination where the file or directory will be moved. This can be one of the following:

  • An osf_tbl_node with a single project or component.

  • An osf_tbl_file with a single directory.


Logical, if a file or directory with the same name already exists at the destination should it be replaced with x?


Logical, indicating whether to print informative messages about interactions with the OSF API (default FALSE).


Note that a file (or directory) cannot be moved or copied onto itself, even if overwrite = TRUE.


An osf_tbl_file containing the updated OSF file.

See Also

Other OSF file operations: osf_cp(), osf_mkdir(), osf_rm()


## Not run: 
# Create an example file to upload to our example project
project <- osf_create_project("Flower Data")

write.csv(iris, file = "iris.csv")
data_file <- osf_upload(project,"iris.csv")

# Create a new directory to move our file to
data_dir <- osf_mkdir(project, "data")

# Move the file to our data directory
data_file <- osf_mv(data_file, to = data_dir)

# Move our data directory to a new component
data_comp <- osf_create_component(project, title = "data", category = "data")
data_dir %>%
  osf_mv(to = data_comp) %>%

## End(Not run)

osfr documentation built on Sept. 26, 2022, 1:06 a.m.