
#' add_osm_surface
#' Adds a colour-coded surface of spatial objects (polygons, lines, or points
#' generated by \code{\link{extract_osm_objects}} to a graphics object
#' initialised with \code{\link{osm_basemap}}. The surface is spatially
#' interpolated between the values given in \code{dat}, which has to be a matrix
#' of \code{data.frame} of 3 columns (x, y, z), where (x,y) are (longitude,
#' latitude), and z are the values to be interpolated. Interpolation uses
#' \code{spatstat.core::Smooth.ppp}, which applies a Gaussian kernel smoother
#' optimised to the given data, and is effectively non-parametric.
#' @param map A \code{ggplot2} object to which the surface are to be added
#' @param obj An \code{sp} \code{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame} or
#' \code{SpatialLinesDataFrame} (list of polygons or lines) returned by
#' \code{\link{extract_osm_objects}}
#' @param dat A matrix or data frame of 3 columns (x, y, z), where (x, y) are
#' (longitude, latitude), and z are the values to be interpolated
#' @param method Either \code{idw} (Inverse Distance Weighting as
#' \code{spatstat.core::idw}; default), \code{Gaussian} for kernel smoothing (as
#' \code{spatstat.core::Smooth.ppp}), or any other value to avoid interpolation.
#' In this case, \code{dat} must be regularly spaced in \code{x} and \code{y}.
#' @param grid_size size of interpolation grid
#' @param cols Vector of colours for shading z-values (for example,
#' \code{terrain.colors (30)})
#' @param bg If specified, OSM objects outside the convex hull surrounding
#' \code{dat} are plotted in this colour, otherwise they are included in the
#' interpolation (which will generally be inaccurate for peripheral values)
#' @param size Size argument passed to \code{ggplot2} (polygon, path, point)
#' functions: determines width of lines for (polygon, line), and sizes of
#' points.  Respective defaults are (0, 0.5, 0.5). If \code{bg} is provided and
#' \code{size} has 2 elements, the second determines the \code{size} of the
#' background objects.
#' @param shape Shape of lines or points, for details of which see
#' \code{?ggplot::shape}. If \code{bg} is provided and \code{shape} has 2
#' elements, the second determines the \code{shape} of the background objects.
#' @return modified version of \code{map} to which surface has been added
#' @note
#' Points beyond the spatial boundary of \code{dat} are included in the surface
#' if \code{bg} is not given. In such cases, values for these points may exceed
#' the range of provided data because the surface will be extrapolated beyond
#' its domain.  Actual plotted values are therefore restricted to the range of
#' given values, so any extrapolated points greater or less than the range of
#' \code{dat} are simply set to the respective maximum or minimum values. This
#' allows the limits of \code{dat} to be used precisely when adding colourbars
#' with \code{\link{add_colourbar}}.
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes geom_polygon scale_fill_gradientn
#' scale_colour_gradientn geom_point geom_path
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{osm_basemap}}, \code{\link{add_colourbar}}.
#' @examples
#' # Get some data
#' bbox <- get_bbox (c (-0.13, 51.5, -0.11, 51.52))
#' # dat_B <- extract_osm_objects (key = 'building', bbox = bbox)
#' # These data are also provided in
#' dat_B <- london$dat_BNR # actuall non-residential buildings
#' # Make a data surface across the map coordinates, and remove periphery
#' n <- 5
#' x <- seq (bbox [1,1], bbox [1,2], length.out = n)
#' y <- seq (bbox [2,1], bbox [2,2], length.out = n)
#' dat <- data.frame (
#'     x = as.vector (array (x, dim = c(n, n))),
#'     y = as.vector (t (array (y, dim = c(n, n)))),
#'     z = x * y
#'     )
#' \dontrun{
#' map <- osm_basemap (bbox = bbox, bg = 'gray20')
#' map <- add_osm_surface (map, dat_B, dat = dat, cols = heat.colors (30))
#' print_osm_map (map)
#' }
#' # If data do not cover the entire map region, then the peripheral remainder
#' # can be plotted by specifying the 'bg' colour. First remove periphery from
#' # 'dat':
#' d <- sqrt ((dat$x - mean (dat$x)) ^ 2 + (dat$y - mean (dat$y)) ^ 2)
#' dat <- dat [which (d < 0.01),]
#' \dontrun{
#' map <- osm_basemap (bbox = bbox, bg = 'gray20')
#' map <- add_osm_surface (map, dat_B, dat = dat,
#'                         cols = heat.colors (30), bg = 'gray40')
#' print_osm_map (map)
#' }
#' # Polygons and (lines/points) can be overlaid as data surfaces with different
#' # colour schemes.
#' # dat_HP <- extract_osm_objects (key = 'highway',
#' #                                value = 'primary',
#' #                                bbox = bbox)
#' # These data are also provided in
#' dat_HP <- london$dat_HP
#' cols <- adjust_colours (heat.colors (30), adj = -0.2) # darken by 20%
#' \dontrun{
#' map <- add_osm_surface (map, dat_HP, dat, cols = cols,
#'                         bg = 'gray60', size = c(1.5,0.5))
#' print_osm_map (map)
#' }
#' # Adding multiple surfaces of either polygons or (lines/points) produces a
#' # 'ggplot2' warning, and forces the colour gradient to revert to the last
#' # given value.
#' dat_T <- london$dat_T # trees
#' \dontrun{
#' map <- osm_basemap (bbox = bbox, bg = 'gray20')
#' map <- add_osm_surface (map, dat_B, dat = dat,
#'                         cols = heat.colors (30), bg = 'gray40')
#' map <- add_osm_surface (map, dat_HP, dat,
#'                         cols = heat.colors (30), bg = 'gray60',
#'                         size = c(1.5,0.5))
#' map <- add_osm_surface (map, dat_T, dat, cols = topo.colors (30),
#'                         bg = 'gray70', size = c(5,2), shape = c(8, 1))
#' print_osm_map (map) # 'dat_HP' is in 'topo.colors' not 'heat.colors'
#' }
#' # Add axes and colourbar
#' \dontrun{
#' map <- add_axes (map)
#' map <- add_colourbar (map, cols = heat.colors (100), zlims = range (dat$z),
#'                       barwidth = c(0.02), barlength = c(0.6,0.99),
#'                       vertical = TRUE)
#' print_osm_map (map)
#' }
add_osm_surface <- function (map, obj, dat, method = "idw", grid_size = 100,
                             cols = heat.colors (30), bg, size, shape) {

    # ---------------  sanity checks and warnings  ---------------
    check_map_arg (map)
    check_obj_arg (obj)
    dat <- check_surface_dat (dat)
    # --------- cols
    if (!(is.character (cols) | is.numeric (cols))) {

        warning ("cols will be coerced to character")
        cols <- as.character (cols)
    # ---------------  end sanity checks and warnings  ---------------

    obj_type <- get_obj_type (obj)
    obj <- geom_to_xy (obj, obj_type)

    obj_trim <- trim_obj_to_map (obj, map, obj_type)
    obj <- obj_trim$obj
    xy_mn <- obj_trim$xy_mn

    xy0 <- list2df_with_data (map, obj, obj_type, xy_mn, dat, bg,
                              grid_size = grid_size, method = method)
    if (missing (bg))
        xy <- xy0
        xy <- xy0 [xy0$inp > 0, ]

    if (grepl ("polygon", obj_type)) {

        map <- map_plus_spPolydf_srfc (map = map, xy = xy, xy0 = xy0, #nolint
                                       cols = cols, bg = bg, size = size)
    } else if (grepl ("line", obj_type)) {

        map <- map_plus_spLinesdf_srfc (map, xy, xy0, cols, bg, size, shape) #nolint
    } else if (grepl ("point", obj_type)) {

        map <- map_plus_spPointsdf_srfc (map, xy, xy0, cols, bg, size, shape) #nolint

    return (map)

#' check and modify surface data arg
#' @noRd
check_surface_dat <- function (dat) {

    if (missing (dat))
        stop ("dat can not be NULL")
    if (!is.numeric (as.matrix (dat)))
        stop ("dat must be a numeric matrix or data.frame")
    else {

        dat <- as.matrix (dat)
        if (ncol (dat) < 3) stop ("dat must have at least 3 columns")
        wtxt <- paste0 ("dat should have columns of x/y, lon/lat, ",
                        "or equivalent;",
                        "presuming first 2 columns are lon, lat")
        if (is.null (colnames (dat))) {

            warning ("dat has no column names; presming [lon, lat, z]")
            colnames (dat) [1:3] <- c ("lon", "lat", "z")
        } else {

            n2 <- sort (colnames (dat) [1:2])
            if (!(n2 [1] == "x" | n2 [1] == "lat") ||
                !(n2 [2] == "y" | n2 [2] == "lon")) {

                warning ("dat should have columns of x/y, lon/lat, ",
                         "or equivalent;",
                         " presuming first 2 columns are lon, lat")
                colnames (dat) [1:2] <- c ("x", "y")
            if (!"z" %in% colnames (dat)) {

                warning ("dat should have column named z; ",
                         "presuming that to be 3rd column")
                colnames (dat) [3] <- "z"

    return (dat)

#' list2df_with_data
#' Converts a list of spatial coordinatees to a single data frame, and adds a
#' corresponding 'z' column provided by mapping mean object coordinates onto a
#' spatially interpolated version of 'dat'
#' @param map A ggplot2 object (used only to obtain plot limits)
#' @param obj List of spatial coordinates of objects
#' @param obj_type Type of spatial object as determined from
#' \code{get_obj_type}.
#' @param xy_mn Mean coordinates of objects as returned from
#' \code{trim_obj_to_map}.
#' @param dat A Matrix representing the data surface (which may be irregular)
#' used to provide the z-values for the resultant data frame.
#' @param bg background colour from 'add_osm_surface()', passed here only to
#' confirm whether it is given or missing
#' @param grid_size Size of interpolation grid as taken from 'add_osm_surface()'
#' @param method Either 'idw' (Inverse Distance Weighting as
#' \code{spatstat.core::idw}; default), otherwise uses 'Gaussian' for kernel
#' smoothing (as \code{spatstat.core::Smooth.ppp})
#' @return A single data frame of object IDs, coordinates, and z-values
#' @noRd
list2df_with_data <- function (map, obj, obj_type, xy_mn, dat, bg,
                               grid_size = 100, method = "idw") {

    xyz <- get_surface_z (dat, method, grid_size)

    # Then remove any objects not in the convex hull of provided data
    if (grepl ("point", obj_type))
        indx <- rep (NA, nrow (obj))
        indx <- rep (NA, length (obj))
    if (!missing (bg)) {

        xyh <- spatstat.geom::ppp (xyz$x, xyz$y,
                                   xrange = range (xyz$x),
                                   yrange = range (xyz$y))
        ch <- spatstat.geom::convexhull (xyh)
        bdry <- cbind (ch$bdry[[1]]$x, ch$bdry[[1]]$y)

        indx <- apply (xy_mn, 1, function (x)
                   sp::point.in.polygon (x [1], x [2], bdry [, 1], bdry [, 2]))
        # indx = 0 for outside polygon

    # Include only those objects within the limits of the map
    indx_xy <- which (xy_mn [, 1] >= map$coordinates$limits$x [1] &
                      xy_mn [, 1] <= map$coordinates$limits$x [2] &
                      xy_mn [, 2] >= map$coordinates$limits$y [1] &
                      xy_mn [, 2] <= map$coordinates$limits$y [2])
    xy_mn <- xy_mn [indx_xy, ]
    indx <- indx [indx_xy]
    # And reduce xy to that index
    if (grepl ("point", obj_type))
        obj <- obj [indx_xy, ]
        obj <- obj [indx_xy]

    # Convert to integer indices into z. z spans the range of data, not
    # necessarily the bbox
    nx <- length (unique (xyz$x))
    ny <- length (unique (xyz$y))
    if (method == "idw" | method == "smooth")
        nx <- ny <- grid_size
    xy_mn [, 1] <- ceiling (nx * (xy_mn [, 1] - xyz$xlims [1]) /
                           diff (xyz$xlims))
    xy_mn [, 2] <- ceiling (ny * (xy_mn [, 2] - xyz$ylims [1]) /
                           diff (xyz$ylims))

    xy_mn <- set_extreme_vals (xy_mn, bg, nx, ny)

    if (grepl ("polygon", obj_type) | grepl ("line", obj_type)) {

        for (i in seq (obj))
            obj [[i]] <- cbind (i, obj [[i]],
                                xyz$z [xy_mn [i, 1], xy_mn [i, 2]],
                                indx [i])
        # And rbind them to a single matrix.
        obj <-  do.call (rbind, obj)
    } else { # can only be points

        indx2 <- (xy_mn [, 2] - 1) * grid_size + xy_mn [, 1]
        obj <- cbind (seq (dim (obj) [1]), obj, xyz$z [indx2], indx)
    # And then to a data.frame, for which duplicated row names flag warnings
    # which are not relevant, so are suppressed by specifying new row names
    data.frame (
                id = obj [, 1],
                lon = obj [, 2],
                lat = obj [, 3],
                z = obj [, 4],
                inp = obj [, 5],
                row.names = seq (nrow (obj))

#' get surface values from submitted 'dat' argument
#' @noRd
get_surface_z <- function (dat, method, grid_size) {

    if ("z" %in% colnames (dat))
        z <- dat [, "z"]
        z <- dat [, 3]

    if ("x" %in% colnames (dat))
        x <- dat [, "x"]
        x <- dat [, pmatch ("lon", colnames (dat))]

    if ("y" %in% colnames (dat))
        y <- dat [, "y"]
        y <- dat [, pmatch ("lat", colnames (dat))]

    xlims <- range (x) # used below to convert to indices into z-matrix
    ylims <- range (y)

    indx <- which (!is.na (z))
    x <- x [indx]
    y <- y [indx]
    marks <- z [indx]

    xyp <- spatstat.geom::ppp (x, y, xrange = range (x), yrange = range(y),
                               marks = marks)

    if (method == "idw")
        z <- spatstat.core::idw (xyp, at = "pixels", dimyx = grid_size)$v
    else if (method == "smooth")
        z <- spatstat.core::Smooth (xyp, at = "pixels", dimyx = grid_size,
                                    diggle = TRUE)$v
    else {

        # x and y might not necessarily be regular, so grid has to be manually
        # filled with z-values
        nx <- length (unique (x))
        ny <- length (unique (y))
        arr <- array (NA, dim = c (nx, ny))
        indx_x <- as.numeric (cut (x, nx))
        indx_y <- as.numeric (cut (y, ny))
        arr [(indx_y - 1) * nx + indx_x] <- z
        z <- t (arr)
        # z here, as for interp methods above, has
        # (rows,cols) = (vert,horizont) = c(y,x) so is indexed (x, y). To yield
        # a figure with horizontal x-axis, this is transformed below.

    list ("xlims" = xlims, "ylims" = ylims, "x" = x, "y" = y, "z" =  t (z))

#' set out of range values to either bg colour or NA
#' @noRd
set_extreme_vals <- function (xy, bg, nx, ny) {

    if (missing (bg)) {

        xy [, 1] [xy [, 1] < 1] <- 1
        xy [, 1] [xy [, 1] > nx] <- nx
        xy [, 2] [xy [, 2] < 1] <- 1
        xy [, 2] [xy [, 2] > ny] <- ny
    } else {

        xy [, 1] [xy [, 1] < 1] <- NA
        xy [, 1] [xy [, 1] > nx] <- NA
        xy [, 2] [xy [, 2] < 1] <- NA
        xy [, 2] [xy [, 2] > ny] <- NA

    return (xy)

#' add SpatialPolygonsDataFrame to map
#' @note The following 3 functions could be re-written more efficiently using a
#' generic functional, but this would severely obsucate what's actually done
#' here, so these are left in this somewhat verbose format. Plus I tried it and
#' it ended up with considerably more lines specifying all the required
#' arguments.
#' @noRd
map_plus_spPolydf_srfc <- function (map, xy, xy0, cols, bg, size) { #nolint

    # TODO: Add border to geom_polygon call
    if (missing (size))
        size <- 0
    if (length (size) == 1)
        size <- rep (size, 2) # else size [2] specifies bg size

    xyz <- (xy$z - min (xy$z)) / diff (range (xy$z))
    cols_z <- 1 + floor ((length (cols) - 1) * xyz)
    xy$mycolour <- cols [cols_z]

    lon <- lat <- id <- NULL # suppress 'no visible binding' error
    aes <- ggplot2::aes (x = lon, y = lat, group = id, fill = xy$mycolour)
    map <- map + ggplot2::geom_polygon (data = xy,
                                        mapping = aes,
                                        size = size [1],
                                        fill = xy$mycolour)

    if (!missing (bg)) {

        xy <- xy0 [xy0$inp == 0, ]
        aes <- ggplot2::aes (x = lon, y = lat, group = id)
        map <- map + ggplot2::geom_polygon (data = xy, mapping = aes,
                                            size = size [2], fill = bg)

    return (map)

#' add SpatialLinesDataFrame to map
#' @noRd
map_plus_spLinesdf_srfc <- function (map, xy, xy0, cols, bg, size, shape) { #nolint

    if (missing (size))
        size <- 0.5
    if (length (size) == 1)
        size <- rep (size, 2) # else size [2] specifies bg size

    if (missing (shape))
        shape <- 1
    if (length (shape) == 1)
        shape <- rep (shape, 2)

    xyz <- (xy$z - min (xy$z)) / diff (range (xy$z))
    cols_z <- 1 + floor ((length (cols) - 1) * xyz)
    xy$mycolour <- cols [cols_z]

    lon <- lat <- id <- NULL # suppress 'no visible binding' error
    aes <- ggplot2::aes (x = lon, y = lat, group = id, col = xy$mycolour)
    map <- map + ggplot2::geom_path (data = xy,
                                     col = xy$mycolour,
                                     mapping = aes,
                                     size = size [1],
                                     linetype = shape [1])

    if (!missing (bg)) {

        xy <- xy0 [xy0$inp == 0, ]
        aes <- ggplot2::aes (x = lon, y = lat, group = id)
        map <- map + ggplot2::geom_path (data = xy, mapping = aes, col = bg,
                                         size = size [2],
                                         linetype = shape [2])

    return (map)

#' add SpatialPointsDataFrame to map
#' @noRd
map_plus_spPointsdf_srfc <- function (map, xy, xy0, cols, bg, size, shape) { #nolint

    if (missing (size))
        size <- 0.5
    if (length (size) == 1)
        size <- rep (size, 2) # else size [2] specifies bg size

    if (missing (shape))
        shape <- 1
    if (length (shape) == 1)
        shape <- rep (shape, 2)

    xyz <- (xy$z - min (xy$z)) / diff (range (xy$z))
    cols_z <- 1 + floor ((length (cols) - 1) * xyz)
    xy$mycolour <- cols [cols_z]

    lon <- lat <- id <- NULL # suppress 'no visible binding' error
    aes <- ggplot2::aes (x = lon, y = lat, group = id, colour = xy$mycolour)
    map <- map + ggplot2::geom_point (data = xy,
                                      mapping = aes,
                                      size = size [1],
                                      shape = shape [1],
                                      col = xy$mycolour)

    if (!missing (bg)) {

        xy <- xy0 [xy0$inp == 0, ]
        aes <- ggplot2::aes (x = lon, y = lat, group = id)
        map <- map + ggplot2::geom_point (data = xy, mapping = aes,
                                          col = bg, size = size [2],
                                          shape = shape [2])

    return (map)

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osmplotr documentation built on March 28, 2021, 1:09 a.m.