check.outlierness.bounds: Check values that could potentially flag an observation as...

View source: R/outliertree.R

check.outlierness.boundsR Documentation

Check values that could potentially flag an observation as outlier


Returns, for each numeric/date/timestamp column, a range of values *outside* of which observations could potentially be flagged as being an outlier in some cluster, and for categorical/ordinal/boolean columns, the factor levels that can be flagged as being an outlier in some cluster. If the lower bound is higher than the upper bound, it means any value can potentially be flagged as outlier.





An Outlier Tree model object as generated by 'outlier.tree'.


A list with column as the names and the bounds or categories as values.

outliertree documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:17 p.m.