Man pages for packageRank
Computation and Visualization of Package Download Counts and Percentiles

annualDownloadsCount Total CRAN Download.
bioconductorDownloadsAnnual/monthly package downloads from Bioconductor.
bioconductorRankPackage download counts and rank percentiles.
blog.dataBlog post data.
countryDistributionTabulate package downloads by country.
countryPackageTabulate a country's package downloads.
countsRanksCounts v. Rank Percentiles for 'cholera' for First Week of...
cranDownloadsDaily package downloads from the RStudio CRAN mirror.
cranInflationPlotCRAN inflation plot.
cranMirrorsScrape CRAN Mirrors data.
currentTimeCompute Current Time in Selected Time Zone.
downloadsCountryCompute Downloads by Country Code.
filteredDownloadsFiltered package downloads from the RStudio CRAN mirror...
inflationPlotInflation plots of effects of "small" downloads and prior...
inflationPlot2Inflation plots of effects of "small" downloads on aggregate...
ipCountCount number of IP addresses.
ipDownloadsUnique package download counts by IP address.
ipPackageTabulate an IP's package downloads.
localTimeCompute Local Time from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC/GMT).
logDateCompute Effective CRAN Log Date Based on Local and UTC Time...
logInfoCompute Availability, Date, Time of "Today's" Log.
monthlyLogGet CRAN logs for selected month.
packageCountryPackage download counts by country.
packageDistributionPackage Download Distribution.
packageHistoryExtract package or R version history.
packageLogGet Package Download Logs.
packageRankPackage download counts and rank percentiles (prototype).
packageVersionPercentCompute data for versionPlot().
plot.annualDownloadsPlot method for annualDownloads().
plot.bioconductorDownloadsPlot method for bioconductorDownloads().
plot.bioconductorRankPlot method for bioconductorRank().
plot.countryDistributionPlot top 10 package downloads by country domain.
plot.countsRanksPlot method for countsRanks().
plot.cranDownloadsPlot method for cranDownloads().
plotDownloadsCountryPlot Compute Downloads by Country Code.
plot.packageDistributionPlot method for packageDistribution().
plot.packageRankPlot method for packageRank() and packageRank0().
plot.packageVersionPercentPlot method for packageVersionPercent().
plotTopCountryCodesPlot Top N Downloads by Country Code.
plot.weeklyDownloadsPlot method for weeklyDownloads().
print.bioconductorDownloadsPrint method for bioconductorDownloads().
print.bioconductorRankPrint method for bioconductorRank().
print.countryDistributionPrint method for countryDistribution().
print.cranDownloadsPrint method for cranDownloads().
print.packageDistributionPrint method for packageDistribution().
print.packageRankPrint method for packageRank().
rLogGet R Application Download Logs.
rstudio.logsEight RStudio Download Logs to Fix Duplicate Logs Errors in...
summary.bioconductorDownloadsSummary method for bioconductorDownloads().
summary.bioconductorRankSummary method for bioconductorRank().
summary.cranDownloadsSummary method for cranDownloads().
summary.packageRankSummary method for packageRank().
topCountryCodesCompute Top N Downloads by Country Code.
utcCompute Coordinated Universal Time (UTC/GMT) for Your Local...
utc0Compute Coordinated Universal Time (UTC/GMT) for Specified...
versionPlotVersion Plot.
weeklyDownloadsSample Weekly CRAN Downloads Data.
packageRank documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:26 p.m.